Tag Archives: “Those Were The Good Old Days”

Special “Great Sex In The News Room” E-dition


If That Headline Isn’t A Grabber, We Don’t Know What Is 
At this morning’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, political insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the all those Broadcasting Icons getting fired after being accused of sexual harassment. Celebrities like Charlie Rose (CBS), Matt Lauer (NBC), and Garrison Keillor (Minnesota Public Radio) were summarily fired. “Isn’t it great?” Kane asked. “Those Liberal Hypocrites are getting exactly what they deserve.”

“Reporting ‘Sexual Harassment’ in the news room is nothing new at The Blower,” Kane added.

Remember The Blower’s “Those Were The Good Old Days” Edition #72 (published on October 15, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) that was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. That was our “Not Guilty Of Sexual Harassment” Edition.

Our REALLY BIG STORY was all about Cincinnati Post Columnist David Wecker’s sexual harassment complaints. Enquirer “Tip Off Columnist” Jim Knippenberg said blondes were being harassed, too.

The Blower has always been obsessed with reporting about Sex in The News Room,” added Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel. “But most of that sexual activity was consensual.”

Just remember all those Names You Would Know The Blower’s exposed during the past 27 years. “All those adulterers and adulteresses at the newspapers, TV Stations, Cincinnati City Hall, and especially the Hamilton County Courthouse,” Linda added. “I’m hoping our Beloved Publisher will let me do a special report.”

“It’s a good thing we’re not reporting on all that Sex in The News Rooms these days,” Kane added. “In the current news climate, the rest of the local news media might not allow us to have an ‘exclusive,’ like they did all those years, when even after everybody in town figured out the identity of the boinkers and boinkees from reading The Blower, they still wouldn’t report it.”

Exclusively reporting on all that Sex in the News Room for all those years is probably why so many persons of consequence enjoy some of the older e-ditions on The Whistleblower-Newswire web page along with reading the The Blower’s “Those Were The Good Old Days” E-ditions every Wednesday afternoon, like the one coming out later today.