Tag Archives: Terrorist Attack

Special “Surviving Terrorist Attacks” E-dition


Because Not Knowing What To Do Can Get You Killed

One of the saddest symptoms of the Devolution of American Culture during the Age of Obama is all of that Violence.

image005Yesterday, NBC reported an Ohio State University student plowed a car into a campus crowd, then jumped out and started stabbing people with a butcher knife.image004

The incident was initially reported as an “active shooter” situation, but the suspect did not shoot anyone.image006

A police officer was on the scene within a minute and killed the assailant, likely saving lives. “He engaged the suspect and eliminated the threat,” OSU Police Chief Craig Stone said.image005

image005Now, every politician in American is exploiting the tragedy and every media outlet is making the most of the terrorist incident, just to sell more advertising.

image005The Blower, however, which never accepts advertising, would like to offer something a little more practical, and perhaps somebody else in the news media could follow The Blower’s lead and actually try to educate people on ways to survive an Active Shooter Event, like showing scared citizens a video like this one created by the City of Houston.  

More Survival Tips Laterimage003 image016