Tag Archives: Sweetest Day

Crappy “Sweetest Day” E-dition


Trump’s 1,000nd Day In Office

Happy Crappy Sweetest Day, Everybody!

image005And Hurley the Historian says everybody should’ve remembered because it’s always celebrated on the third Saturday in October. Our Quote for Today Committee says we should’ve remembered Ogden Nash’s “Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.” Boss’ Day, on the other hand was on Wednesday. That non-religious holiday was celebrated on October 16. Alternate Life-style Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis said it would’ve been great if Sweetest Day and Boss’ Day had fallen on the same day, especially if your boss is gay?

image005Also, there are only 17 more attack advertising days until the 2017 Elections on November 5 along with 380 More Days Until President Donald Trump’s Re-election in 2020.

image005Meanwhile, everybody’s wondering which costumes will be banned this year on Halloween.

More Crappy Sweetest Day E-Cardsimage007

This Is Your Official Crappy Sweetest Day E-dition. Any Other Crappy Sweetest Day E-dition You Might See Anywhere Else Would Surely Be A Fake.
