Tag Archives: SHIT

Special “Hillary’s Hypocrisy” E-dition


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2015        

13 Of The Most Vile-And-Disgusting Things Hillary Has Ever Said

image005At yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about those Trump Attacks From The Liberal Media Conspiracy over some really unimportant 11-year-old-Locker Room Banter.

“Maybe Hillary should have her filthy mouth washed out with soap too,” Kane explained. “According to Independent Journal Review, which was kind enough to compile a list of image00613 alleged comments Clinton made through the years, in addition to the literary sources that quoted her.”

image007“Where is the God damn fucking flag? I want the God damn fucking flag up every  fucking morning at fucking sunrise.”(Inside The White House by Ronald Kessler, page 244. Hillary yells at staff of the Arkansas Governor’s mansion.)

    image007“You sold out, you mother fucker! You sold out!” (Inside: A Public and Private Life by Joseph Califano, page 213. Hillary screaming at a Democrat lawyer.)

   image007‘Fuck off! It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day, I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your God damn job and keep your mouth shut.’(American Evita by Christopher Anderson, page 90. Hillary yells at State Troopers after one allegedly told her “Good Morning.”)

   image007“You fucking idiot.”(Crossfire: Witness in the Clinton Investigation by L.D. Brown, page 84. Hillary Clinton curses at a State Trooper.)

image007“If you want to remain on this detail, get your fucking ass over here and grab those bags!”(The First Partner: Hillary Rodham Clinton by Joyce Milton, page 259. Hillary shouts at a Secret Service agent.)

image007“Get fucked! Get the fuck out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!”(Hillary’s Scheme: Inside the Next Clinton’s Ruthless Agenda to Take the White House by Carl Limbacher, page 89. Hillary yelling at Secret Service agents.)

image007“Stay the fuck back, stay the fuck away from me! Don’t come within ten yards of me, or else! Just fucking do as I say, Okay!!!?”(Unlimited Access by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrige, page 139. Hillary Clinton shouting at Secret Service agents.)

image007“Where’s the miserable cock sucker?”(The Truth About Hillary by Edward Klein, page 5. Hillary Clinton screams this at a Secret Service agent.)

image007“You fucking Jew bastard.” (State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton by Jerry Oppenheimer. More on this quote.)

image007“Son of a bitch.”(American Evita by Christopher Anderson, page 259. Hillary found out President George W. Bush secretly visited Iraq before her own visit to the nation.)

image007“When are they going to get those fucking ree-tards out of here?”‘(Hillary Clinton: The Other Woman by Dolly Kyle. Spoken at an Easter egg hunt at the Arkansas state house with developmentally challenged children in attendance.)

image007“Stupid kike.”(Hillary Clinton: The Other Woman by Dolly Kyle. Hillary used the epithet about Jewish people.)

image007“Come on Bill, put your dick up! You can’t fuck her here!!” (Inside The White House by Ronald Kessler, page 243. Hillary speaking to her husband Bill Clinton about a woman at an Arkansas political rally.)

If it’s the American people’s right to question what comes out Donald Trump’s mouth, shouldn’t they also be told about Hillary’s angry outbursts and vulgar comments?image017 image018