Tag Archives: ” “Rigged Election” or “Biden’s Voter Fraud”

Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest



Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest

This week, everybody who approved of The Blower’s policy to ban any content that did not include “Stop the Steal,” “Rigged Election” or “Biden’s Voter Fraud” ahead of the 2024 Elections in only 291 more days, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is Whistleblower Presidential Historian Dorian Grady, who’s been busy updating “Mike Pence: Patriot Or Pussy” for The Blower’s “TRUMP CHRONICLES,” which we’ve all been working on for the past 1094 days.

Dorian wins an “Impeach This” T-shirt, an “I’d Rather Be Rigging” Bumper Sticker, and an autographed copy of “TRUMP CHRONICLES: Part One,” due to be released on The Trumpster’s Inauguration Day.

Dorian’s Winning Limerick is:
The 2020 election was really “Historic”
You might even say “Allegoric”
D-Rat lies and they cheated
Dumbed Down Voters mistreated
With all that Corruption, it was not “Euphoric”

And Perturbed in Park Hills Says
The 2020 election was really historic.
At first D-RAT cheaters were quite euphoric.

The satanic pedo-crooks had all the tools,
But they took Trump and Americans for fools.

With their Chicom cash they thought they had it nailed;
But their techno-media stranglehold failed.

Patriot citizen journalists awoke
And tore off the election fraud ballot cloak.

The Deep State tried to shred and blow up the facts,
But they were sloppy with their treacherous acts.

Now we know Donald Trump won by a landslide
And the perpetrators have nowhere to hide.

McConnell, Portman, Brian Kemp and Mike Pence
Will never stand up for our nation’s defense.

A miscarriage of justice has now prevailed:
SCOTUS and assorted traitors are blackmailed.

It’s back to RINO business as usual:
They don’t care about what’s constitutional.

The Land of the Free’s been sold down the river;
The deranged bitch with arrows in her quiver

Still sits on her leftist throne eating ice cream –
Her priv’leged take on the American dream.

But…notice that Trump hasn’t said he’d concede:
Has he got a Plan B to beat Deep State greed?

The First Line On Next Week’s Limerick Contest Is:
“Will We Ever See The Trumpster’s Plan B?”