On Trump’s 1134th Day In Office, Still With None Of Obama’s Political Perps In The Slammer

Where Putting Your Feet On The Furniture Should Be A No-No
This Morning at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about February 28, 2017 when members of our fake news media were obsessed about Kellyanne Conway’s kneeling on the couch in the Oval Office during president trump’s historic meeting with all those black college reps.
The New York Post said photos of White House adviser Kellyanne Conway kneeling on an Oval Office couch with her shoes on had sparked an online debate about decorum in the executive mansion. The photo showed the Oval Office packed with representatives from Historically Black Colleges and Universities — with Conway appearing oblivious to her surroundings, feet neatly tucked under her tiny frame, as she looked intently at her phone.
Now we see Kellyanne taking a picture of President Trump that bunch of Black People on the last day of Black Lives Really, Really Matter History Month. Maybe Kellyanne needed to be on the couch to get the angle she wanted for the photo.
But the Liberal Propaganda Media NEVER COMPLAINED about the way Obama always put his feet on the White House furniture.
And how about those barefoot Obamas in the Treaty Room at the White House?
And when Friends of Bill Markie Post and Linda Bloodworth-Thomason were jumping on the bed in the Lincoln Bedroom?
And speaking of the Pants-Dropper-In-Chief, our Kneepad Liberals in the Press never saw anything wrong with Monica’s kneeling in front of the couch in the Oval Office.
Within minutes, there were 18 stories about Kellyanne Conway kneeling on the couch in the Oval Office, but when we Googled “Monica Lewinsky kneeling in front of the couch in the oval office, this is what we got.
Then Then Conservative Photoshoppers Took Over
And you wonder why there are all those complaints about Fake News And Hypocrisy in the Liberal Propaganda Media.