Tag Archives: Priorities USA

Special “Hillary’s Hunkering” E-dition



And Getting Ready To Tell A Few More Big Lies

image004Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Obama’s Doofus Vice President Joe Biden may be finally getting really, really close to deciding about officially announcing if he’ll be jumping into the 2016 Presidential Race and totally screwing things up for Hillary and the Disingenuous DemocRATS, but in DC, everybody’s watching Hillary all hunkered down getting ready for her long-awaited appearance at Thursday’s big Benghazi Panel hearing.


image006Politico reports team Clinton has been prepping for the Benghazi Panel for months. Hillary’s Harpies have been equipped with talking points, blasting the Benghazi committee as a “partisan charade.” Hillary’s main defender, David Brock, is expected to give a “pre-buttal” speech on  Wednesday, claiming members of the committee are the ones who should be put on trial.

image005 At Correct The Record, a PAC that coordinates with Clinton’s campaign, a war room with about 30 staffers will be on hand to defend HILLARY as she heads to Capitol Hill on Thursday to testify. The outside super PAC supporting her campaign, Priorities USA, will be airing its first television commercials of the cycle in the two days leading up to the hearing, and has also conducted its first polls on attitudes toward the Republican-led committee.

image005image007But Hillary herself is expected to show up solemn and serious in manner, her full commander-in-chief mode on display; in the end, letting others do the partisan screaming for her while she treats the appearance as part of her responsibility to the four diplomats killed in Libya under her watch in 2012, as well as an opportunity to outline more broadly how she would conduct foreign policy as president.

image005All of which does not appear to be lost on Trey Gowdy, (Trump’s choice for Attorney General if elected President), who has also noticed the timing of the uptick of criticism against the Benghazi Panel by Liberal Pundits and Obama Supporters in the Press, since for the past two weeks he’s been forced to fight back against attacks on his character and motives as critics are claiming the Benghazi investigation is merely a political exercise to go after Hillary.

image005That’s why in Sunday’s “Weekend Wrap-up” E-dition, The Blower showed Gowdy turning the tables on the Liberal Press by asking them questions about Benghazi. Their silence was deafening, because they have never done anything to investigate Hillary’s crimes.

