Tag Archives: Persian Gulf Crisis

Another “Those Were The Good Old Days” E-dition


Trump’s 691st Day In Office

image004Edition #29 (published on December 11, 1990) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. It was our “It’s Happy Hanukkah time, except on Fountain Square” Edition, and our REALLY BIG STORY was David Mann’s Vision for the City. Our TOP TEN LIST listed the top ten reasons Congress was holding hearings on the Persian Gulf Crisis. Also on the front page, we had an exclusive report about Hamilton County Auditor-elect DemocRAT Dusty Rhodes’ non-invitation from a meeting for “all county elected officials” to discuss the next year’s budget.

image005PAGE TWO featured REAL EDITORIALS BY PUBLISHER CHARLES FOSTER KANE about News Judgment and the DeCourcyGate Review tax cut review, along with Kane’s “Statement of Principles.” REAL FACTS covered Shenanigans in the Suburbs, State Senator Dick Finan’s defying history, Betty Mauer’s residency, whoever in hell she was, and honors for Hamilton County assistant prosecutors Tom Logano and James Butler.

image007PAGE THREE featured CHEAP SHOTS taken at Enquirer columnist Jim Rohrer, Julie Isphording, Ohio State Auditor Tom Ferguson, and Bengals Coach Sam Wyche, and Bunky Tadwell was wondering if the United States should go to war against Iraq in ANOTHER GUEST EDITORIAL.

image010PAGE FOUR featured the REAL LETTERS FROM REAL SUBSCRIBERS, and during all those years, not a single one of those people has ever called to complain that their letter might not have been real. ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE WHISTLEBLOWER REPORT told us about Cincinnati Federation of Teachers President Tom Mooney complaint that it’s hard to teach without books, and Butch LaDeux was that week’s Seediest Kid of All.

image012PAGE FIVE featured Bluegrass Holler by Ken Camboo, reporting that the Bluegrass Supreme Court had upheld the verdict that the Kentucky Post was a libelous rag and that Kentucky Post Editor Judith Clabes should be banned for life from working in the newspaper business, Johnny “TV” Peluso’s incompetence plea, and some last-minute gift ideas for Gubernatorial Candidate Dr. Floyd Poore. J.R. HATFIELD offered some revealing glimpses of the world around us, through the world of numbers, ways to get rid of unwanted pets, and NKU’s looking for a few good teeth.

image014And PAGE SIX included BOOBS ON THE TUBE by John Quichwarmer sure had a lot of names in it, and Bill Backstabbers covered RASCALS ON THE RADIO, while WHISTLEBLOWER WISDOM answered the question: Is there life after Luken (at Cincinnati City Hall).

image016It was really a lot of fun publishing The Whistleblower way back in 1990.
That’s why we say “Those were the good old days.”
You can download that entire edition HERE.image003 image001