Tag Archives: only 18 more days until Election Day 2016

Special “Top Ten List” E-dition


Same Time Last Year…

Our Political Junkie We’ll Call “Cincy Dave” was already predicting a big win for “Crooked Hillary” with only 18 more days until Election Day 2016 (see that E-dition HERE) while everybody hereabouts was watching the Unhinged Establishment Continue to react to Trump’s answer on accepting the Election Results.

Meanwhile, The Blower was publishing the “Top Ten Zingers” From Last Lear’s Al Smith Dinner That Hillary’s Supporters In The Audience Really Hated. (See It Below)

Today It’s Donald Trump’s Top Ten Zingers From Last Night’s Al Smith Dinner That Hillary’s Supporters In The Audience Really Hated:

image00510. “It’s great to be here with 1,000 wonderful people. Or, as I call it, a small, intimate dinner with some friends. Or, as Hillary calls it, her largest crowd of the season.”

9. “I have no doubt that Hillary is going to laugh quite a bit tonight, sometimes even at appropriate moments.”

8. “The media is even more biased this year than ever before. You want the proof? Michelle Obama gives a speech, and everyone loves it. It’s fantastic. They think she is absolutely fantastic. My wife, Melania, gives the exact same speech and people get on her case.”

7. “Last night, I called Hillary ‘a nasty woman.’ But this stuff is all relative. After listening to Hillary rattle on and on and on, I don’t think so badly of Rosie O’Donnell anymore.”

6. “One of the things I noticed tonight — and I’ve known Hillary a long time — that this is the first time ever, ever, that Hillary is sitting down and speaking to major corporate leaders and not getting paid for it.”

5. “Hillary is so corrupt,” Trump said, as the crowd began booing loudly, “she got kicked off the Watergate Commission. How corrupt do you have to be to get kicked off the Watergate Commission? Pretty corrupt.

4. Everyone knows, of course, Hillary’s belief that it takes a village, which only makes sense after all in places like Haiti, where she’s taken a number of them.

3. “We’ve learned so much from WikiLeaks. For example, Hillary believes that it’s vital to deceive the people by having one public policy and a totally different policy in private. … For example, here she is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics.”

2. “I’d like to address an important religious matter — the issue of going to confession. Or as Hillary calls it, the Fourth of July weekend with FBI Director (James) Comey.”

And the number one Donald Trump Zingers From Last Night’s Al Smith Dinner That Hillary’s Supporters In The Audience Really Hated was…”And even tonight, with all of the heated back and forth between my opponent and me at the debate last night, we have proven that we can actually be civil to each other. In fact, just before taking the dais, Hillary accidentally bumped into me and she very simply said, ‘Pardon me.’ And I very quietly replied, let me talk to you about that after I get into office.”

You Can Watch That One Here
