Texas AG Declares Victory for Election Integrity
Now Let’s Take A Look At The Blower’s Comparative Coverage At The Same Point Of The Trumpster’s First Year In Office. We Were Reviewing That Day’s “Wednesday’s Wild Cards”
And It Was It Was Just More Coordinated Leftist Insurrection.
Last Night’s “Tuesday’s Triumphs” Must’ve Been Pretty Good, Because A Lot Of People Were Following Up On It Today.
Rogue Cartoonist Ben Garrison Issued “Comey, You’re Fired!”
James Comey has been fired by President Trump. It’s a good first step toward draining the swamp. (MORE)
This Morning, President Donald Trump Fired Off Several Tweets Defending His Decision And Criticizing DemocRATS For Questioning The Move.
Making Goodbye Letters Great
Putin Reacts To Comey Firing
(“Your Question Looks Very Funny To Me”)
Former FBI Agents Praise Comey Firing
Former FBI agents don’t seem as surprised as the rest of the world that James Comey was fired by President Trump today. In fact, some of them are quite satisfied. Fox News had several former FBI assistant directors on their broadcast Tuesday night to discuss former FBI Director James Comey’s firing, and they all said his recent behavior made this move rather predictable. James Kallstrom, former FBI Assistant Director, said he is “glad it happened.” “…Way back almost a year ago [Comey] kinda forgot he was the FBI director,” Kallstrom explained, going into Comey’s apparent mistakes in handling the investigation of Hillary Clinton.
In the May 9 Department of Justice (DOJ) memo detailing the major reasons for recommending the removal of FBI Director James Comey, Obama administration Attorney General Eric Holder is quoted as saying that Comey’s actions concerning the Hillary Clinton email investigation “violated long-standing Justice Department policies and traditions,” broke “fundamental principles” at DOJ, and undercut the “public trust” in the DOJ and the FBI.
Now Everybody’s Guessing Who Comey’s Replacement Might Be
Colbert’s Trump-Hating Audience Cheered News of James Comey’s Firing Before Colbert Corrected Them
Maddow Claimed Trump Firing Comey Was ‘Unprecedented’, Then She Cited The Precedent
Comey Firing Was Warning To Anti-Trump John McCain
Comey Had Been Under IG Review Since January
Feinstein Admitted There Was No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump Associates and Russia
Fox’s Lou Dobbs Calls For Clinton Investigation To Be Reopened Now That Comey Is Gone
The Fishwrap’s Front Page Banner Promoted The Liberal Propaganda Narrative…
…And Channel 9 “Substantially True” News Published Ohio Delusional Governor John Kasich’s 2020 Campaign Statement
The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Second 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Wednesday Is Day Number 111. There Are Now Only 1,272 More Days Until Trump’s Re-election Day on November 3, 2020.