Tag Archives: “Meaningless Media Outlets”

Special “Ejected Endorsements” E-dition

header-nov 4 endorse

Trump’s 658th Day In Office

Proving Why The Media Should Never Make Endorsements

image005Last year in The Blower’s October 18 “Meaningless Media Endorsements” E-dition, critics had complained that media outlets should never endorse ANY candidate or issue. They said the Media should just give equal coverage to all sides, and by making an endorsement, it showed bias and made it very easy for people to believe that previous stories had been slanted in favor of the Media’s endorsed candidates or issues.

And once a Media Outlet had made a meaningless endorsement, there was no way that Member of the News Media could possibly be depended on to give equal time and effort to reporting both sides of a race. image007

image005But making Meaningless Media Endorsements is what Meaningless Media Outlets do, and even today they continue to pander to all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President In History In The White House—Twice, And Had Planned To Give Obama A Third Term By Voting For “Crooked Hillary,” And Get All Of Their “Fake News” From Our Local Obama Supporters In The Press, Like The Ones At The Fishwrap, and on Channels 5, 9, 12, and 19.


Take our Feckless Fishwrappers, please! They continued totally discrediting themselves as objective journalists when they so enthusiastically subscribed to become part of the Liberal Media Conspiracy. Like when they promote all those orchestrated anti-Trump protests, such as yesterday’s rent-a-mob scene when media whore Schnozzy Heimlich and Diverse DemocRAT Aftab Pureval participated in that orchestrated outrage in Garfield Park over Trump’s finally firing his Attorney General, more than a year late.


image005Congratulations once again to our Liberal Agenda Fishwrap’s Idiotorial Board for not only winding up with egg on their faces, but also for proving The Blower’s point that “Meaningless Media Outlets” should not make “Meaningless Media Endorsements.”
