Tag Archives: Matt Bevin

Special “Bluegrass Baby-Killers” E-dition


Kentucky Could Be The First Abortion Free-State By 2018
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken Camboo says everybody’s betting Kentucky will be the First Abortion-Free State by 2018 after The Federalist reported how during the past six months it had become clear that the battle for the first abortion-free state was going to be fought this year in Kentucky. Currently, Louisville’s EMW Women’s Surgical Center is the last Abortion Mill operating in the Bluegrass.

That’s because of what the results of Kentucky’s last two election cycles. In 2015 Matt Bevin was elected governor. Bevin is a strong social conservative with four adopted children in his family of 11, and no hesitation about describing himself as “unapologetically pro-life.” Last year swept in a Republican majority in the state legislature; in the first week of their session (usually used for organizational purposes), it jumped to pass a 20-week abortion ban and an ultrasound requirement.

Matt Bevin called it ano-brainer and promptly signed them both.

What’s more, during the past two years, Bevin’s administration has dogged abortion mills on regulatory laws to the point that every single mill in Kentucky, except the Louisville EMW, has stopped performing abortions.  In fact, if Bevin’s administration had its way, Kentucky would have become abortion-free at the end of March when the Governor ordered EMW to stop performing abortions until it improved its emergency transfer agreements.

Meanwhile, over at Operation Rescue, Reverend Rusty Thomas says Thomas Matt Bevin ought to “interpose” for Kentucky by rejecting Roe v. Wade outright. “On the federal books, it’s against the law to smoke dope,” Thomas said.But what did Colorado do as a state? They told the federal government go pound sand… And then of course you have other states that love sanctuary cities. That’s against the federal government and the laws on the books.”

The CamBoozler can hardly wait for all those Liberal Baby-Killers’ protests to begin.