Tag Archives: Local Leftist Lunatics

“Anderson Apocalypse Update” Native Americans Have Good Reason To Cry

FRIDAY, JULY 03, 2020

No Votes Were Needed.  The White Man Is Finally Eliminating The Redskins Forever.

Ironically, for native Americans, yesterday’s Forest Hills Five vote was another lost confrontation with the white man.  A battle poorly chosen in a long war without foresight or strategy.  Allies were seen as enemies, enemies as allies.

Once, people and lands were lost.  Now their memory is being erased.  Another step into oblivion.

This Forest Hills school board finds itself under the incredibly convenient cover of the Washington Redskins.  The new social warrior, big business, is all over the NFL’s ass.

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The news cycle has barreled past the Anderson mascot.  Left behind on the battlefield as were many other red-skinned warriors when slaughters were complete or larger skirmishes attracted the attention.

All appears inevitable as history has gone.

Enough of that.  Back to our current reality.

Leftists are the racists.  These actions originate in their self-important notions of superiority.  They can’t feel the respect that underlies those mascots.  They are only capable of pity and disdain for those seen as less than themselves.  Unable to find truth and common ground.  Victory is getting their way, consequences irrelevant.  Self-judging as right and virtuous.  Rationalizing by portraying themselves as the victims.  Like the child crying, “That’s no fair, Mommy!”

We are stuck with these people on our school board.  Residents and voters of the district have a couple of years to go before they can correct the representation.  Will they?  This school district seem bent on self-destruction.  No one steps up to stop it.

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Apocalypses Are Such Ugly Things To Watch.

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