Tag Archives: #FAKENEWS

Special “Remembering Shock and Awe” E-dition

march 19 shock and awe

SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 2017

image005It Looks A Lot Like What Trump Is Doing To Liberal Propaganda Media These Days

Hurley the Historian says on this date in 2003, the War in Iraq began with a shock-and-awe pyrotechnic display over Baghdad, and Defeatist DemocRATS in Congress immediately said the war had gone on too long and the response by the U.S. military was “disproportionate,” whatever in the hell that means.

Today everybody’s watching the Trumpsters bombastic bombardments against mendacious members of the Liberal Propaganda Media, because CNN, ABC, NBC, ABC, the NYT, the Washington Post (and similar publications) are wallowing in the muck of total #FakeNews, simply making things up about Trump or exaggerating things entirely out of proportion.


That’s why it was so much fun to watch Rachel Maddow’s ratings plummet after her big Trump tax ‘scoop’ failed so miserably on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer makes watching Press Briefings great again with his unabashed bashing of all those dishonest media mercenaries in the White House Press Corp almost every day. Here are some of Spicey’s spicier moments.
