Tag Archives: Edition #25

Another “Those Were The Good Old Days” E-dition



image004Edition #25 (published on November 13, 1990) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town.

It was our “If we don’t cover the story…it just doesn’t matter” Edition, and our REALLY BIG STORY Cincinnati Federation of Teachers President Tom Mooney’s attack on WCKY Radio Talk Show Host and Slumlord Stan Solomon, along with Solomon’s arrest warrant. Our TOP TEN LIST listed the top ten reasons people didn’t vote on the previous Tuesday. Also on the front page, there was an announcement that The Whistleblower had been so successful during the 24 previous weeks that we were actually looking for a real publisher.image006

PAGE TWO featured another REAL EDITORIAL (NOT BY CURRENT PUBLISHER CHARLES FOSTER KANE) talking about some disgraceful politicians often change their tune after they get themselves elected. We also explained why the period following the Elections were called the “Political Playoffs.” REAL FACTS casually mentioned Cincinnati City Development Director Nell Surber’s being forced to resign. Our Official 1990 Election Results compared the political endorsements, predictions, and results of key races in the Tri-State for the Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati Post, and Pete Rose’s Betting Tips. Also noted was the long-awaited return of Howard Wilkinson’s award-winning column in the Sunday Enquirer.image008

PAGE THREE featured CHEAP SHOTS taken at Congressman-elect “Landslide Charlie” Luken on his way to Washington, Guy Guckenberger, Marge Schott, and our good friend Enquirer Tip-off Columnist Jim Knippenberg. Bunky Tadwell was also criticizing and complaining after The Whistleblower had been named “Best Rag” by a well-known magazine in Cincinnati in ANOTHER GUEST EDITORIAL.image010

PAGE FOUR featured the REAL LETTERS FROM REAL SUBSCRIBERS, and during all those years, not a single one of those people has ever called to complain that their letter might not have been real. ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE WHISTLEBLOWER REPORT was all about some of the big winners (and losers) of the previous week’s Elections. WHISTLEBLOWER WISDOM explained how the Hamilton County Courthouse was no longer exclusively being run by Republicans.image011

PAGE FIVE featured a continuation of Slumlord Stan Solomon’s expose from Page One, J.R. HATFIELD was introduced as our Northern Kentucky Bureau Chief, along with Bluegrass Holler Columnist Ken CamBoo, and the City of Cincinnati announced it was looking for a new lobbyist to replace the one that had just resigned.image012

And PAGE SIX included BOOBS ON THE TUBE BY JOHN QUICHWARMER talking about the coming of War-Talk Radio, a THANK YOU from Judge Anne Marie Tracey, Our report on the DeCourcygate Legal Costs, and a Whistleblower Promo featuring “Landslide Charlie” showing us what kind of man reads the Whistleblower.image014

It was a lot of fun publishing The Whistleblower in 1990.
That’s why we say “Those were the good old days.”
You can download that entire edition HERE.image003 image014