The Breakfast Brigade
Reveille was 0530 this morning when members of the Anderson Veterans Society of all races, creeds, and sexual orientations began boarding busses for the Ninth Annual Veterans Day Grub Crawl at Ohio Second District Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s Office, located at 7954 PFC James Miller IV and Staff Sergeant Richard T. Pummill Memorial Highway (aka Beechmont Avenue), so Anderson Veterans could visit every one of the 487 area restaurants in Anderson and the surrounding tri-state areas offering Free Food for Veterans on Veterans Day 2022.
First stop was for Breakfast with some Navy Veterans at Bob Evans (Hotcakes, brioche French toast, and the country biscuit breakfast, along with a Bob Evans Farm Boy and Country Fried Steak for good measure). Unfortunately, another bus full of freeloaders arrived ahead of ours, and the line to get in was too long.
So we were then swapping war stories with the Army Infantry Veterans at IHOP (Red, White & Blue Pancakes, which come with glazed strawberries (red), blueberry compote (blue), and whipped cream (white.)
Then we heard about bombing missions from Air Force Veterans at Denny’s (Build Your Own Grand Slam®)
Then there was a quick stop with Marine Corps Veterans at White Castle (Breakfast Combo or Castle Combo Meal)
But regrettably, The Anderson Veterans Society Grub Crawl didn’t include joining the Coast Guard Veterans at Friendly’s (A free Big-Two-Do combo meal for breakfast, or free All American Burger with fries and a drink for lunch or dinner), because there wasn’t a freaking Friendly’s restaurant nearby, unless you have something to do in Ithaca, New York.
During all those Morning Meals, Anderson Veterans were talking about how there had been no really large-scale terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11, and how much they missed Donald Trump’s Presidency when patriotism was back in style. Yesterday was the Marine Corps’ 247th birthday, and Leathernecks looked forward to scarfing down at the Patriot Center tonight, where the Anderson Township Veterans Memorial Committee would again be serving a complimentary dinner with live entertainment. And just as soon as somebody from whoever’s organizing this event sends us a press release, more details will be forthcoming.
So for all those unnamed heroes who’ve returned and those other volunteer members of the Armed Services and reservists who still may depart to protect us from all those murdering terrorist bastards overseas, you have our thanks. It’ll never make up for all your sacrifices, but at least it’s something. And for what it’s worth, our Quote for Today Committee would like to add this line from Benjamin Franklin: “There never was a good war or a bad peace.”
Veterans Day Commemorative Cartoons
E-mail your patriotic prose and pictures today
When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, please include the “Holiday For Heroes” Campaign.
Whistleblower Video of the Day
One Life, One Flag, One Mile: A Summary of Project America Run II