Tag Archives: Disgraceful D-RAT New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez immediately politicized The Poway Synagogue Shooting

Special “Sunday Sermon” E-dition (Praying To Prevent Politicization)



SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2019
Trump’s 828th Day In Office


This Sunday in America…at

This Sunday in America… at the Church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was asking his Political Parishioners to ask for God’s help to Pray To Prevent Politicization, especially after Disgraceful D-RAT New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez immediately politicized The Poway Synagogue Shooting, even though she still hasn’t tweeted about the Sri Lanka terrorist attacks or the Americans killed.

Within the first hour, AOC was at it again, demanding the Senate act on a gun control bill before it was even known how many people were shot.

Now comes the part where all those Cowardly Politicians and Pundits claim to be heartbroken, while telling victims they are in their “Thoughts and Prayers.”

Mass Shootings will be with us always, as long as we wait for Pusillanimous Politicians in Washington to prescribe a solution, because as long as Tragedies are Politicized, Evil People will continue to commit Mass Shootings.

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda

The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture. Congress, the Deep State, and the Liberal Media Establishment will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity in their effort to advance their Lying Leftist Agenda.

That’s because these were the most important Mid-Term Elections in History. (The 2018 Mid-terms were a National Election, a referendum on everything Trump has accomplished), while Congress the Deep State, and the Leftist Media Establishment will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity in their effort to advance their Radical Leftist Agenda.

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Eighth 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Today Was Day Number 828 And There Are Now Only 554 More Days Until Trump’s Re-Election Day on November 3, 2020.