Tag Archives: Department of Homeland Security

Special “Ohio Sanctuary Cities Update” Edition

And You Know Where You’ll Hear It When They Are

In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says we’re not hearing all that much in the press these days about Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel’s fight with Liberals and the GOP Establishment over Sanctuary Cities. Conservative Review says Mandel is currently locked in a political fight with liberal politicians over whether or not two of the Buckeye State’s biggest cities should help illegals skirt federal law enforcement.

A day after Cincinnati’s Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley announced his sanctuary intentions, Mandel countered he would fight tooth and nail to block the effort (as well as any other such effort in the state). “When a mayor like Mayor Cranley decides to publicly announce that he’s violating federal law, and that he’s going to make a city less safe against radical Islam and the threats we face, we have a responsibility as Americans, as citizens, to oppose this type of act from a mayor, from a politician,” Mandel said.

Last month, The Blower reported on Mandel’s proposal that could send Cranley to prison if an illegal (The Fishwrap likes to use the word “Unauthorized”) immigrant injured someone in Cincinnati. A bill introduced by State Rep. Candice Keller, R-Middletown, would hold city council officials civilly and criminally liable for injuries or deaths caused by locals who are in the country illegally. Such offenses would be a fourth-degree felony, punishable by up to a year and a half in prison and a $5,000 fine. The civil liability would be worth up to $1 million in fines.

Yesterday, the Department of Homeland Security published its first weekly list of all 118 localities refusing to cooperate with the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown, and so far, no Ohio cities have been included.

Meanwhile, maybe Mandel might get himself a little free media exposure by explaining how much money Illegal Immigrants are costing Ohio Overtaxed Payers. This chart is from 2010. The Blower bets today’s numbers would be a lot higher.