Tag Archives: David Schram


SUNDAY, MAY 23, 2021
Stopping Critical Race Theory
(A Little More Context)

The Apocalypse is bounding forward in Anderson Township public schools.  People are just now coming to protest?

The Forest Hills School District’s C.A.R.E. program is not cultural Marxism.  It is cultural Super Marxism.  Marxism used only the economic class conflict to form a base for the theory and subsequent installment of Communism.

This Super Marxism aspires to a much more complete erasure of humanizing differences.  It broadens the civil conflict to create a raceless, genderless society as well.  Compliance is the norm.

It is a red herring. Along with critical race theory.

Communism is the goal.  Alarmed interests take the bait to become consumed with who gets to use what toilet. They are aghast at Coca-Cola (and Forest Hills Schools) teaching their charges to be “less white.”  Give in and change a mascot from a real person to a cartoon while you’re at it.  Meanwhile, the government settles the economic system (and the school district outspends your local tax dollars) right in front of your eyes.

People today seem to accept multi-trillion dollar deficits that incent workers to remain unemployed.  That is the implementation of economic class equalization.  Along with substantial increases in taxes on income and investment success.  Except on government-controlled/controlling mega-corporations (it will be much easier for the government to grab their profits when just those few are left).  An ideal communistic scenario. Maybe not Marx’s original vision.  Call it modern supervision.

Our gallant protesters should have been questioning the economics curriculum, the math curriculum, and the science curriculum. That’s where the rubber meets the road.  Are students trained that capitalism is bad? (Maybe even that communism is good – what DO they teach about communism?)  Are the math and science hard and rigorous or soft and fuzzy?  We’ll take a bet.

The Apocalypse is galloping up from behind on what the school district diminishes as right-wing activists.  Get on top of it, folks, if you expect to turn the charge.


I just sent this to the Forest Hills School District, for what it is worth…

To the Forest Hills School District Administration, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost and the other 19 states AGs have it right. You can try and call white people like me ‘racist’ but you have no right to use the federal or our local tax monies to teach our children that they are “LESS” than someone else because of the color of their skin. If this was being enforced upon the black race or any other race of color, the uproar of it being ‘racist’ would be heard far and wide. The cares program is nothing more than anti-racist racism. I have no problem giving you my name and I want you to know that I will be voting against each and every levy for Forest Hills from here on out if you allow this blatant racism to happen in our school district. Here is a link to the US Dept. Of Education letter that Ohio is now a part of:


Please stand with our Attorney General, and the majority of our school district parents, and stop this from being part of our curriculum.

Thank you,
David Schram
Newtown, Ohio

Earlier Today…

Important: We have been asked by parents at Forest Hills Schools to help with a protest involving Forest Hills teachers who are being trained in CRT under the guise of the district’s so-called C.A.R.E. Program. We need your help to show our support to help end this divisive racist practice that is growing throughout Ohio. Join us Monday night:

Meet us at Nagel Middle School, Monday, May 24, by 6:15 PM
• The Address is: Nagel Middle School, 1500 Nagel Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45255
• You can protest until 7:00 PM, or you can stay for a School Board Meeting afterward.
• Bring protest signs using against Critical Race Theory
• Ideas: C.A.R.E. is Marxist, Critical Race Theory is Evil, Critical Race Theory is Racist, Critical Race Theory is
• Un-American, MLK not CRT!
• When you arrive look for Dan, Tom or Burr.
• Let’s Send a message. Questions contact: [email protected]

Attention All Patriots
Critical Race Theory Is Here

Thanks to our WOKE School Board, Forest Hills teachers are being trained in CRT under the guise of the district’s so-called C.A.R.E. Program.

Forest Hills parents have been publicly called out by WOKE Board Members as Harassers and Racists for daring to inquire.

Forest Hills Students have been told to “Check Their White Privilege.”

Join us in our fight to save our children, save our schools, and save America.