Tag Archives: d-dAY

Special “More Common Sense of Rights” E-dition

Header-June 9 More Common Sense

TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 2017  

Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers   


When The Blower published its “Common Sense of Rights” in Monday’s Current “Constitutional Crisis E-dition, it reminded us of how much America has changed during the past eight years. Today’s reason Obama needs to be indicted is for claiming that because of him, America is once again the most respected country on the planet. —Obama Bashers at TEAParty.org

image006“Common Sense” is like deodorant. People who need it most never use it. —Tom Paine-in-the-Ass

image006Donald Trump was humiliated as “chickenhawk” after tweeting about D-Day anniversary today when we called him a “draft dodger.” —Members Of The Destroy Trump Media

image006Please don’t point out that we’ve been pimping for Obama for so long, when the first American dies at the hands of one of his five released terrorists, blood will be not only on Obama´s hands, but also on ours. —Members Of The Destroy Trump Media

image006It really doesn’t matter how many scandals Obama has, so long as all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House—Twice, and Failed Trying To Give Obama a Third Term By Voting For Hillary, and get all of their “fake news” from our Obama Supporters in the Press, like the ones at The Fishwrap and on Channel 5, 9, 12, and 19, keep getting their free stuff. —Obama’s Organizing for Action Scam

image006Please remind your readers that Friday, June 20 is the last day to pay their Second Half 2014 Hamilton County Property Taxes (jacked up by our Disingenuous DemocRAT Auditor who once again ran unopposed for re-election) and any taxes paid after that date will accrue a penalty and/or interest; and failure to receive a tax bill will not avoid such penalty and/or interest. —Hamilton County Treasurer Robert A. Goering

image006image023June 22 is still “No Panty Day” at my Cleaner Concepts at 7857 Beechmont Avenue. —Always Aroused Anderson Trustee Andy Pappas

image006Included with your property taxes that are due on June 24 is that increase for “Smiling Dallas” Jackson’s illegally orchestrated campaign for that  Humongous $103 million Tax Hike Scam. —Your Snitch at the Forrest Gump School District

image006We can hardly wait till Thursday when The Blower publishes its Annual “Bluing of Hamilton County” Edition. —Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP and Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters

image006This is it so far for the Tensing Re-trial, Folks— One Freaking Protester. —CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street

image008image006Since June is Gay Pride month, we’ll be flying the Gay Flag at City Hall all month long. —Cincinnati Clown-cil Gay Chris Squealback

image006Today there are only 154 more days until the November Elections, in case anybody forgot. —Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo

image006Around this date in 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared a national day of mourning following the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. —Hurley the Historian

image006Bobby Kennedy’s prediction (on May 27, 1968, just a week before he was assassinated): “Things are moving so fast in race relations, a Negro could be President in 40 years. There is no question about it. In the next 40 years, a Negro can achieve the same position that my brother has.” The rest, as they say, is history. —Your Quote for Today Committee

image006image008Today in Northern Kentucky, we had some of the best D-Day celebrations ever. —Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo

image006What does the “D” stand for? —Goof Doofus

image006I think it should stand for “DemocRATS.” —Nathan “Cornbread” Smith

image006How about “Drink?” —Michael Liquid Plummer

image006What about “Disguised DemocRATS?” —NoKY Chamber of Commerce President Trey Grayson (On His Way Out The Door)

image006At my place of business, the “D” always stands for “Detention.” —Terry “The Smiling Jailer” Carl

image006Are you sure that “D” doesn’t stand for “Disbarred?” —$tan Che$ley

image006Thanks to that Cabal of NoKY Attorneys Still Out to Destroy Me (including the Lisa Wells WLW Fan Club,) I’ll always be “Deranged, Demented, and Disbarred.” —Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters

image006D-Day certainly doesn’t stand for “Diets.” —Weight Gainers Big-Ass Members Marc Wilson and Scott “Pass the Biscuits” Kimmich

image006image010D-Day is for “Dinosaurs.” —The Lizard Museum   

image006Might it stand for “Dye-job?” —Y’All Ville Mayor Blondie Whalen

image006D-Day is always a great time to wear your bikini at the Fort Mitchell Country Club.  —Miss Vicki

image006We’re still trying to figure out if Confederate Memorial Day is officially celebrated in Northern Kentucky.   —Rufus Redneck

image006On D-Day, all Second Amendment Advocates are offering a silent prayer for the souls of all those victims of gun violence, who died because laws already on the books have not been enforced.  —Billy Bob Carbine

image006ou can’t fool us. D-Day was when all of us TV stations were supposed to begin broadcasting only in “Digital.”  —Channel 19 News Bimbo Trish the Dish

image006Not even Sheree Paolello would be that stupid. —Dan Carroll, WCPO-TV’s Chopper 9 Helicopter Reporter

— Whistleblower Official Weekly Disclaimer

              Sometimes The Blower ridicules Political Correctness to show that that not even being allowed to say the words “Black-on-Black Violence” is not acceptable in our society. This should be clear to anybody who isn’t a Libtard.

          This publication is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead without satirical intent is purely coincidental, especially Racial Racketeers.


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Some aggressive, over-the-top, stop-and-frisk policing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally aggressive, over-the-top, stop-and-frisk policing subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use more.


D-Day – I: The Great Crusade – Extra History

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Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.