Tag Archives: crappy fund-raiser

Special “Same Time Last Year” E-dition

SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2017

What a Difference a Year Makes

Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says think of how much things have changed in Northern Kentucky Politics since May 13, 2016.

Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters’ NoKY Trumpsters, Bernie Sanders’ Supporters, Paid Agitators from Black Lies Matter, Nathan’s Neighbors, Members of the Fort Mitchell Country Club, Unemployed Kentucky Coal Miners, Pro-Lifers, NRA Members, Bill Clinton’s Rape Victims, Cornbread’s Trailer Park Tenants, FBI Agents, and Loony Libertarian Jim Berns in drag had just found out exactly where to show up for Crooked Hillary’s stealth visit to Northern Kentucky on Sunday evening ahead of the Bluegrass Primary the following Tuesday.

 NoKY Fishwrapper Scott Wartman had told people just another crappy Clinton fundraiser would start at 6:30 PM with a so-called “public rally” with Slick Willie’s Enabler in Nathan “Cornbread” Smith’s front yard at 330 Iris Road in Fort Mitchell.  Kenton County DemocRAT Chairman Col Owens said they were asking for $100 donations for the outdoor rally, but a donation wasn’t “required.” You could also pay $250 to attend a “pre-rally reception” and $2,700 to attend a “private reception” to meet Mrs. Bill Clinton, according to a post on the Kenton County D-RATS’ Facebook page. And a map showing the location had been provided by The Blower as a public service.

Still not known was whether the Clinton’s good friend $tan Che$ley would risk getting arrested by coming to Kentucky for a crappy fund-raiser, or if he’d just send some more money.