Tag Archives: Counselor Frooman

Special “Forest Hills Scandal Update” E-dition


Maybe They’re Hiding The Truth
One of today’s best kept secrets in Anderson is the fact that there’s a Forest Hills School District meeting tonight to answer questions and concerns about the Anderson High School project debacle.  Only the grapevine seems to know about it. 

School Officials were probably careful to meet the barest minimum requirements for a public meeting announcement: To the letter of the law rather than in the spirit of it. Of course, that’s SOP for these guys except at levy time, when they are trying to defraud over-taxed payers.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if a few Angry Andersonians Attended tonight’s double-top-secret meeting to demand justice for over-taxed payers robbed of $105m+++ for the sole purpose of building a new Wilson Elementary and modernization of Turpin High School to enhance the property values of the board members, superintendent, and their inner circle supporters who lived near those schools.


The student population of Wilson elementary reports the lowest “economic disadvantage flag” in the entire school district.  Turpin High School is the second lowest.  (Even those numbers might be fudged to mitigate suspicion.)  Activists should be screaming “Discrimination against the poor!”  More directly, the numbers say it’s discrimination in favor of the rich.  Please note this Dr. Heis, Counselor Frooman, and retired P&G big-wig Smith.

So Why Are These Guys Smiling?