Tag Archives: “Cincy Dave”

Special “Only 1355 More Days Till The 2024 Elections” E-dition

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Good News for Trump
A new Morning Consult/Politico poll has Trump leading the pack, by far, for the Republican nomination. He has the support of 54% of the Republicans, as opposed to the runner-up, Mike Pence, at 12%.

Not bad for a guy that lost the popular vote twice, incited a riot/insurrection, was impeached twice, and judged guilty as hell by a big majority of the Senate, including many who voted to acquit him. Of course, the same 54% would probably support him even if he did fulfill his promise to shoot someone on 5th Avenue.

Bad News for Trump
In the next several months, Trump is facing some serious legal difficulties, both criminal and civil. Criminal charges could include interfering with state election officials in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Joe-gia. Tax evasion in New York and also insurance fraud. Civil charges will undoubtedly include many wrongful death and injury claims associated with the riot/insurrection and possibly lies associated with the pandemic.

Good News for Uncle Joe and the Democrats
A new Morning Consult/Politico poll has Trump leading the pack, by far, for the Republican nomination. He has the support of 54% of the Republicans, as opposed to the runner-up, Mike Pence, at 12%.

Dems think it would be great if the Rs nominated a guy that lost the popular vote twice, incited a riot/insurrection, was impeached twice, and judged guilty as hell by a big majority of the Senate, including many who voted to acquit him.

Bad News for Uncle Joe and the Democrats
The Senate is tied at 50 – 50. That means it only takes one senator to quit or drop dead and Mitch McConnell, AKA, the Grim Reaper, is back in charge. If that happens, all legislation will come to a screeching stop and there is nothing Uncle Joe can do except occasionally sign a few executive orders. The Grim Reaper could also reiterate his promise, as he did with Obama, to make sure Joe is a one-term president. (not too hard, as Joe will be 82 the next time around). Anyway, Joe had better be praying for the health of all 50 of his Senators.

Good News for Uncle Joe
According to Real Clear Politics and other polls, Joe’s favorability rating is north of 60% and rising. Trump never achieved 50% in his entire 4-year presidency.

More Good News And Bad News Next Timeimage009image003 image008