Tag Archives: Cincinnati Police Department

Special “Muckraker Mendacity” E-dition


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2015                                

Is This Only An Isolated Example?

image005Monday, The Blower ran a “teaser” about some goings-on at The Cincinnati Police Department after one of our Muckrakers turned over a rock and discovered copy of an e-mail to #CIN.POLICE.All from Tiffaney Hardy, Director of Communications at the Public Information Office of the Cincinnati Police Department, offering a 50% discount on dry cleaning services to all police officers and firefighters in our community from a local dry cleaning establishment.

Mr. Muck asked, “What could possibly be wrong with that?”

The Blower says, “Ask yourself if this is the type of information that should be being disseminated by the police chief’s office?”  We think not!

It’s just another indication about how loose the agency has become under its recent “leadership.”  Then again, what else would someone expect from a group of police officers who maintain a person of questionable character as their union official?

image007Obviously, the agency has lost its perspective regarding ethical considerations.  The Chief’s Office disseminates a message offering FREE STUFF for Police Officers and the union follows suit by doing the same to its membership. These are clear signs of an agency in a steep decline – there is no other explanation. 

The interim chief should have taken immediate steps to stop this activity. He is not a formidable leader but, he is Cranley’s and Black’s choice for permanent chief. An incident like this should give all ample reason to pause and reflect on their choice.  It would appear that Corruption has infected the CPD.image003image006