Tag Archives: Cincinnati Bell

Special “Fuse and Zoomtown Subscribers Update” E-dition

Because Some Of Your E-Mail Messages Are Still Not Being Delivered

Persons of Consequence paying for Zoomtown and Fuse are still not getting what they’re paying for these days, especially whenever Cincinnati Bell’s servers continue to mislabel their nightly media advisories from The Blower as “Spam.” Curiously, it’s not always the same e-mail addresses that are affected, and would now appear that some Insight customers are also being short-changed.

If you were a Zoomtown, Fuse, or Insight customer, wouldn’t you be wondering just how many other e-mail messages you’re not getting?

Wouldn’t you think a big local company like Cincinnati Bell would have someplace nearby to call and report a problem like that so they could make sure their local customers were getting what they were paying for?


 Meanwhile, if anybody happens to be talking to likes of Fuse.net and Zoomtown.com customers like Russ Jackson Jr., Tim Pennington, Joe Gorman, James Adams, Cathy Brinkman, John Becker, Tom Bryan, Andrew S. Pappas, Ann Becker, or Brian Shrive today, please let them know The Blower is still in business at Whistleblower-Newswire.com.