Tag Archives: 2019 Opening Day

Special “Opening Day At Last” E-dition

Trump’s 795th Day In Office

Root-Root-Rooting for the Home Team!
image004Typical Reds Rooter Farley Fairweather is back. And he’s really excited because the Bell’s Boys are now tied for first place since MLB’s most recent Collective Bargaining Agreement, which will create three to four additional off days for millionaire players throughout the season, has resulted in every team opening on the same day for the first time since 1968, and Farley’s wondering how long his beloved Cincinnati Redlegs’ magic number will still be “162.”


The Reds have been one of the league’s worst-performing teams over the past four years, and it looks like it might continue for a fifth.

image005Farley will, however be making some rather bold predictions for professional baseball’s first team as it begins the 2019 season on Thursday’s Opening Day: Luis Castillo will become major league baseball’s first 30-game winner since Denny McClain did it in 1968 . . . And Joey Votto will prove he is worth every penny of the roughly $45,000 he’s paid each and every time he comes to bat!

image005Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Ted Williams’ “Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer.”

image005Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall hopes none of the millionaire Cincinnati Reds players will be taking a knee during Thursday’s National Anthem.

image005And in a related item, Hurley the Historian says on this date in 33 AD the first baseball game was played between the Bethlehem Braves and the Jerusalem Giants with Harry Carey doing the play by play. Eat your hearts out, Marty and Thom!
