Daily Archives: January 16, 2024

Special “Remembering The 2016 Iowa Caucus Campaign” E-dition


Today’s E-dition Has Been Approved For Research On The 2016 Election By The Presidential Historical Society Because So Many Things Reported In The 2016 Blower Are Still Making News Today During This Perilous Political Period Following The 2020 Election.It Was Just Another Scandal For Hillary

This afternoon at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane when our in-depth day-to-day coverage of the 2020 D-RAT Primary would begin.


“None of our Persons of Consequence gives a Big Rat’s Ass about all those image004Doofus D-RATS Who Will Never Be President,” Kane explained. “But The Blower remembers all the fun we had covering the primaries during the Trumpster’s 2016 Campaign,” like a week before the 2016 Iowa Caucuses when Hawkeye Bureau Chief “Dubuque” Tadwell reported about Crooked Hillary’s visit to a gifted-student primary school in Des Moines to talk about the world. After her talk, she offered question time.


One cute little boy put up his hand. Hillary asked him what his name was.

“Kenneth,” he said.

“And what is your question, Kenneth?” Hillary asked.

“I have three questions,” Kenneth said. “First — whatever happened in Benghazi? Second — why would you run for president if you are not capable of handling two e-mail accounts? And, third — whatever happened to the missing six billion dollars while you were Secretary of State?”

Just then the bell rings for recess. Hillary informed the kiddies that they would continue after recess.

When class resumed Hillary said, “Okay, where were we? Oh, that’s right, question time. Who has a question?”

A different boy — little Johnny — put his hand up.

Hillary pointed to him and asked him what his name is.

“Johnny,” he said.

“And what is your question, Johnny?” Hillary asks.

“I have five questions,” Johnny says. “First — whatever happened in Benghazi? Second — why would you run for president if you are not capable of handling two e-mail accounts? Third — whatever happened to the missing six billion dollars while you were Secretary of State? Fourth — why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? And, fifth — where’s Kenneth?”image008image009