MONDAY, JUNE 19, 2023

We Hope You Remember To Pay Your School & Property Taxes Tomorrow, Everybody!
Payment for your Hamilton County School & Property Taxes has to be post-marked by midnight tomorrow, and tax preparers all over Hamilton County have been busy all week helping over-taxed property owners complete their complicated tax forms. And it’s no wonder, since some people’s property taxes are included with their mortgage payments, and they never actually see how much they’re paying for those fools in schools and all those other taxes that are included.
Persons of Consequence know what The Blower has always said: “Everybody should have to write a really big check on School & Property Tax Day,” and “They should hold elections for those officials on the same day people have to pay for all those taxes.”
Especially members of the School Board like these:
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Gerald Barzan’s, “Taxation with representation ain’t so hot either.”
First, there are SCHOOL TAXES. Imagine How Stupid People Must Be to approve that much to propagandize future D-RAT Voters for all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Voters Who Didn’t Complain When Cheating D-RATS Put Joke Biden* In The White House.
The next big chunk of your cash goes to the City, Village, or Township where you live. Then come all your other taxes for such things as a Joint Vocational School (wherever the hell that is), County General Fund, Public Library, Family Service/Treatment, Health and Hospital Care for the Indigent, Mental Health Levy, Development Disabilities, Park District, Crime Information Center, Children Services, Senior Services, Cincinnati Zoo so they don’t kill all the gorillas, and the Museum Center.
It’s a shame we don’t have an effective local “Anti-Tax” Organization to talk about such things because they’re too busy these days raking in big bucks for taking cases to the U.S. Supreme Court protecting politicians’ Right to Lie, and our good friend Bunky Tadwell (the Bard of Cleves) says, “The worst part about your property taxes is that they never seem to go down, and never does anybody else I know.”
Current D-RAT Hamilton County Treasurer Jill WhatsHerName says if you forget to use one of those new discounted forever postage stamps when you mail in your “Jacked-Up Taxes and your payment is returned due to insufficient postage, our Disgraced EX-Double-Dipping D-RAT Obama-loving County Auditor’s Hand-Picked Replacement will still publish your name in The Fishwrap, along with all those other deadbeats, and then charge you a humongous fine for being a little late, too.”
CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street also remembers 30 years ago in The Whistleblower, then-Hamilton County Treasurer Wayne F. Wilke also sent his warmest regards to the troops serving in the Gulf War, but at least Wayne gave our guys 11 extra days to pay.
FINALLY, AT TODAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, a political insider was asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane why most people don’t get as upset on School & Property Tax Days as they do on the big April 15 Tax Day. “Most people’s school & property taxes are included with their mortgage payments,” Kane explained. “So they never see how much they’re paying for those fools in schools tax hikes and all those other taxes that are included.”
More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans
Today’s Whistleblower is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our June fund-raising drive by Bankruptcy Attorney Robert A. Goering (who claims he’s no relation to Hermann), for helping him get a little publicity for that part-time job he used to have at the Hamilton County Courthouse.
e-mail your savings strategies today.
Some tax-fighting items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally tax-fighting subscribers.
The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop crusade for Election Integrity and against Coordinated Leftist Insurrection and the Devolution of Our American Culture while Congress, the Deep State, and the Radical Media Establishment continue to lie to advance their Coordinated Leftist Agenda.
But first, we must see a Corleone Political Reckoning on Election Integrity Along With Indictments And Perp Walks For Laws Broken During The Illegal 2020 Presidential Election, without which nothing else really matters.
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda is watching to see if any progress is made during the next 505 (at press time) days before the 2024 elections.