FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023
AND One of the Most Fun Things For Persons of Consequence these days is reviewing the current week’s thirty-two-year-old 1991 Edition of the Whistleblower (the award-winning printed version that was hand-delivered all over town) to see if any people pictured on those pages might still be room temperature these days.
Would You Look at All These Warm Bodies?
Edition #41 (published on March 12, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. That Week’s “Really Big Story” was all about Disingenuous DemocRAT Dusty Rhodes. The Top Ten List was the top ten things a soldier wants to do when he comes home, and Bagdad Peter Arnett’s promise not to write any more puff pieces about those freedom-loving Iraqis.
There was a Real Editorial by Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane (before he became “Beloved”), and more “Real Facts” that included the Downtown Achievement Awards, another Queer Notion on Cincinnati City Clown-cil, “Beanball Jim” Bunning in the Bullpen, and that Rent-a-Rally to Celebrate America’s victory in the Persian Gulf.
And we took “Cheap Shots” at Jim Borgman, Revered Congressman Bob McEwen, D. White Tillery, and John Glenn; along with “Another Real Guest Editorial by Bunky Tadwell.”
We Also Featured “Real Letters From Real Readers,” “Another Exclusive Whistleblower Report” about the lamentable legacy at News Channel 5, and contributions at the courthouse to the Mickey Esposito Defense Fund.”
Page Five Featured Bluegrass Holler by Ken CamBoo, a Column by then Northern Kentucky Bureau Chief J.R. Hatfield that included trash-talking radio host Bill Cunningham and Corporex CEO Bill Butler.
And on Page Six, we featured Boobs on the Tube by John Quichwarmer and Real Gossip by Linda Libel.
It’s really hard to believe how good The Whistleblower was in those days.
You can download that entire edition HERE.