Official “Disingenuous DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition

Trump’s 692nd Day In Office

Three Pillars of Leftist Propaganda Are

The Media, Academia, and the DemocRAT National Committee

Did You Ever Wonder Where Kneepad Liberals At Your Local TV Stations (Like Channels 5, 9, 12, and 19) Get Their Liberal Media Conspiracy Updates?

This Week’s Worst Example

Media Bias Of The Week

VIDEO CBS Ignores First Lady Slamming Media, ABC Barely Notices


VIDEO Samantha Bee Likens Fox Viewers to Nazis, Hints Most Whites Racist


VIDEO MSNBC Contributor Suggests Trump Might Not Be ‘Democratically Elected’

Vile And Disgusting

VIDEO MSNBC’s Deutsch: Trump Gone From Malignant Cancer to ‘Benign Cancer’

Clueless Celebrities 

Clay Travis: Media ‘Jackals’ Should Stop Social Media Shaming

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Krugman: Russia, Saudi Arabia, U.S. Are a ‘New Axis of Evil’

Real News From Real Reporters

VIDEO King Was NOT Happy CNN Producers Made Him Give Avenatti Attention


Brutal: CNN’s Sciutto Gets Destroyed by DHS for ‘Fact-Check’ on Terror

VIDEO CBS Uses Dem Talking Points to Assert GOP Power Grab in Michigan

VIDEO Richard Painter: Trump ‘Goose Cooked,’ He Should Cop Plea and Resign

VIDEO CNN Falls in Love With Nancy Pelosi Putting on Sunglasses

‘South Park’ Season Ends With President Trump in Handcuffs

VIDEO CBS: Mike Pence ‘Looked Like Elf on the Shelf’ at White House Meeting

NY Times Accuses Trump of ‘Mansplaining’ Triumphant Pelosi

VIDEO ‘View’ Raves Over ‘Superhero’ RBG Film: ‘Has a Cape’ ‘Shoots Lasers!’


Politico Publishes Goofy Biden-Romney 3rd Party 2020 Election Plan

Whistleblower Slide Show features Our “John McCain Is Still Dead” Gallery

This Is your Official “Disingenuous DemocRAT Talking Points Memo”
Any Other Official “Disingenuous DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” You Might See Published Would Surely Be A Fake

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda

The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture. Congress, the Deep State, and the Liberal Media Establishment will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity in their effort to advance their Lying Leftist Agenda.

That’s because these were the most important Mid-Term Elections in History. (The 2018 Mid-terms were a National Election, a referendum on everything Trump has accomplished), while Congress the Deep State, and the Leftist Media Establishment will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity in their effort to advance their Radical Leftist Agenda.

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Sixth 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Today Was Day Number 692 And There Are Now Only 691 More Days Until Trump’s Re-Election Day on November 3, 2020.