Special “Sunday Sermon” E-dition (Praying For Peaceful Politics)

Trump’s 639th Day In Office

This Sunday in America… at the Church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was asking his Political Parishioners to Pray For Peaceful Politics because of all that Leftist-Approved Mob Violence in America we’ve seen ever since Republicans were targeted for assassination on a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia last summer.

No wonder Republicans are doubling down on the culture war, accusing Disorderly DemocRATS of “Mob Tactics.”

A new ad by the Republican National Committee calls “the left” “an unhinged mob” advocating incivility and violence.

The “mob rule” line of attack appears to have taken root among a growing number of Republicans in Congress.

Disingenuous DemocRAT Bernie Sanders declined to condemn the harassment and violence against Republicans in an interview with CNN host Jake Tapper last Sunday — and instead called on Americans to “fight” for progressive causes.

No wonder Trumpster is talking about “Jobs Not Mobs” these days.

The Blower predicts The Trumpster might even mention D-RATS Mob Rule tomorrow night at that Yuge MAGA Rally in Texas For Ted Cruz that just got moved to a larger venue because requests for tickets were so overwhelming.
