Daily Archives: October 20, 2018

Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition


Trump’s 638th Day In Office

Our Political Junkie We’ll Call “Cincy Dave” was already predicting a big win for “Crooked Hillary” with only 17 more days until Election Day 2016 while everybody at the Conservative Agenda couldn’t stop talking about the way Trump was handling the media during those days.

Meanwhile, The Blower was publishing our “Saturday Strategery” E-dition, which showed how Donald was Trumping The Establishment.

  Speaking in Ohio on Thursday afternoon, on his first campaign stop after the final rigged presidential debate, Donald Trump dominated the news cycle by mocking his critics when he said “I’ll Accept The Outcome Of The Election On November 8 – “If I Win.”

Thursday night, The Donald stole the show at the Waldorf Astoria in New York with all those zingers at the Al Smith Dinner in New York that Hillary’s Supporters in the audience really hated.

Friday Night, we saw why the Establishment hates Donald Trump, when #TrumpTheEstablishment released this video

Saturday afternoon, Hillary’s Harpies in the Media were really screaming after Trump delivered his Gettysburg Address where he unveiled his “First 100 Days” Agenda.

And The Blower has been counting down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until Donald Trump and Mike Pence show up at tonight’s big rally in Cleveland. You can watch that rally here.

So What’s The Trumpster’s Strategy These Days?
We Think You’re Probably Seeing It!image003 image006