Daily Archives: January 14, 2018

Special “Sunday Sermon” E-dition


This Sunday in America… at the Church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was asking God’s help “Praying For Principled Politicians,” especially because so many people were outraged-and-offended after all of Trump’s enemies couldn’t stop repeating just another WaPo Anti-Trump FAKE NEWS Report, this one claiming Our Politically Incorrect President had forgotten to sugar coat the truth one more time and is alleged to have asked why we’re having all those people from “Shithole Countries” come to America. 

And if the President really did say what he reportedly said, the Left is again wrong, since such a reference has nothing to do with Race and all to do with a lousy economic picture of the countries he alluded to. No wonder The Blower’s Quote For Today Committee chose “A Lie can travel halfway around the world while the Truth is putting on its shoes,” usually attributed to Mark Twain. President Reagan’s Secretary of Labor Ray Donovan’s “Which office do I go to to get my reputation back” quote also seems appropriate. 

Trump’s alleged remarks were made during a closed-door DACA and illegal immigration meeting. Instantly afterwards, Disingenuous DemocRATS and their willing accomplices in the Destroy Trump Media began yelling “Racism.” “Russia” didn’t work. “Sexist” didn’t work. “Nazi” didn’t work.  So now it looks like our Lying Liberals are back to calling Trump a “Racist.”

Freedom Outpost says the reason Trump’s alleged remark became public in the first place is because Senator Dick Durbin, a Dishonest DemocRAT representing Illinois came out of the meeting stating that president Trump referred to African nations as “shitholes.” Since Durbin is a great proponent of illegal immigration in general and part of the Washington Resistance against Trump, he would’ve had everything to gain in making the President appear to be racist against people from certain countries.

The fact is, no one really has any proof that Trump really made this remark. It is only speculation based on what one Senator claimed coming out of the meeting. Senator Durbin has an impeccable record of lying going back long before this latest apparent blatant lie.

So Trump’s supposed “Shithole” remark exists only in the warped mind of Senator Durban. President Trump denied saying it, which is much more credible than what known liars like Durban would say.

Republican Senators Cotton and Perdue were sitting as close to Trump as Durbin at the same meeting, and said they didn’t hear Trump use the word “Shithole.” Cotton even called Durbin a liar this morning on CBS’ Face the Nation. Durbin also lied about chain migration, calling it racist because Trump used the term in the meeting, after he, Durbin had himself used it in the past. 

Now thanks to Trump, we say all “Merry Christmas,” but thanks to Durbin, we can also say “Shithole.”