Daily Archives: December 11, 2017

Special “Liberal Holiday” E-dition



Right Out Of The Progressive Playbook

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During December in America, school principals are still banning Santa. Christmas Parties are now called “Winter Celebrations.” Thanksgiving has become a “Harvest Festival.” And three years ago this month, the Pledge of Allegiance was even “forgotten” at Anderson High School at a Veteran’s Day Event.

If we didn’t know better, The Blower might suspect somebody wanted to destroy America’s Unity so that children coming up have no feelings of “allegiance” and no knowledge of what it actually means to be an American, apart from the supposedly evil things we’ve done.

Fortunately this year, President Trump’ has made good on his pledge to restore “Merry Christmas” to the White House.


And If You Think Obama’s Christless Christmas Was Silly or Just Plain Stupid…

           image006 …just wait till you hear what happened to the song “Winter Wonderland” and why it had to become even more politically correct. Have you heard some of the new versions of it? Remember this part: “In the meadow we can build a snowman, and pretend that he is Parson Brown, he’ll say ‘are you married?’, we’ll say ‘no man, but you can do the job when you’re in town…’ “

Well, they’ve changed it to “In the meadow we can build a snowman, and pretend that he’s a CIRCUS CLOWN. We’ll have lots of fun with Mr. Snowman until the alligators knock him down.” What in the wide, wide world of political correctness is that all about? Since when is the concept of getting married and meeting (gasp) a Parson such a terrible politically incorrect thing? These PC fanatics are truly insane.image003

 And If That Isn’t Enough…

            image007This photo taken in a home-improvement store shows a banner displayed this weekend. In English, the sign reads: “Now Here! Fresh Cut Holiday Trees.” But in Spanish, the sign reads: Now Here! Fresh Cut Christmas Trees.” It’s okay to offend all the English-speaking Christians, but no, not the Spanish speakers. They may just be here illegally. By the way, the store only had “Christmas tree stands” for their fresh cut ‘Holiday’ trees.

image009And in Oregon, Political Correctness was running amok at the Ashland public schools where district officials implemented new holiday guidelines, allowing a decorated Christmas holiday pine tree to be displayed, but only if it was surrounded by symbols from Muslim and Jewish religious holidays. They could not display a Christmas tree alone, in order to remain religiously neutral.

However, it was still OK when Black Lies Matter attacked little kids at a Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Seattle, and nobody promoting the Liberal Agenda has ever complained about that.

According to Yahoo, Holiday Hooliganism is no longer limited to thieves running off with baby Jesus from a nativity scene or vandals throwing eggs at mangers. Atheist decorations also have become a target for destruction after their addition to some public forums in recent years as a counter-argument to menorahs and creches, a Wisconsin-based secularist group said on Friday.

And two years ago in Obama’s America, student protesters continue their outrageous displays, with one egregious example coming from Eradicate Racism at Boston College. As NPR reported, the group gathered outside the biannual Board of Trustees to sing Christmas carols changed to fit their own agenda. “Walking in a Winter Wonderland” became “Walking Through A White Man’s Wonderland.” How bad were the lame lyrics? So bad, The Blower didn’t even want to plagiarize them.

Now Here’s Your Official Politically Correct Season’s Greeting

           image011 Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Ramadan, Good Kwanzaa. Blessed Wiccan Sabbat of Yule, Kiss My Ass, Happy Holidays! (unless prohibited by law).

But if you’re suffering from Seasonally Affected Disorder (SAD), you may substitute this gratuitous call for celebration with our suggestion that you have a thoroughly adequate day.image003

 Now Let’s Go Through This One More Time…

    image012This is a Christmas tree.
    It’s NOT a Hanukkah bush,
    It’s NOT an Allah plant,
    It’s NOT a Holiday hedge.
    It’s a Christmas tree.

    Say it… CHRISTmas, CHRISTmas, CHRISTmas!

Remember CHRISTmas? It’s on all the calendars. Hurley the Historian says he thinks it’s the date we celebrate the birth of some Jewish child by the name of Jesus Christ!image003

 The Hottest Toy For Christmas



e-mail your heartfelt desires today.

Some politically incorrect items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally politically incorrect subscribersimage003


Bobby Leach’s All-Time Favorite Christmas Song

Plus Andy Pappas’ Favorite Christmas Commercial

image018Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image003

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