Daily Archives: October 23, 2017

Special “Whistleblower War on Bureaucracy” E-dition



Because All The Really Stupid People Are For It

image004This morning at The Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher about The Blower’s New War on Bureaucracy. “We all know that the next 1,106 days until Trump’s Landslide Re-election in 2020 will be the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture, and the Liberal News Media,” Kane explained. “Somehow we’d better also start complaining against The BureaucRATS, because America would never be in the mess it’s in without them.”image003

Now Here’s How Bureaucracy Actually Began

image006Once upon a time there was a king who wanted to go fishing. He called the royal weather forecaster and inquired as to the weather forecast for the next few hours. The weatherman assured him that there was no chance of rain in the coming days.

So the king went fishing with his wife, the queen. On the way he met a farmer on his donkey. Upon seeing the king the farmer said, “Your

Majesty, you should return to the palace at once because in just a short time I expect a huge amount of rain to fall in this area.”

The king was polite and considerate, he replied: “I hold the palace meteorologist in high regard. He is an extensively educated and an experienced professional.  And besides, I pay him very high wages. He gave me a very different forecast. I trust him and I will continue on my way.”  So he continued on his way.

However, a short time later a torrential rain fell from the sky.  The King and Queen were totally soaked and their entourage chuckled upon seeing them in such a shameful condition.

Furious, the king returned to the palace and gave the order to fire the professional. Then he summoned the farmer and offered him the prestigious and high paying role of royal forecaster.

The farmer said, “Your Majesty, I do not know anything about forecasting.  I obtain my information from my donkey. If I see my donkey’s ears drooping, it means with certainty that it will rain.”

So the king hired the donkey.

Thus began the practice of hiring dumb asses to work in the government and occupy its highest and most influential positions.

And the practice is unbroken to this very date…image019image014