Daily Archives: April 15, 2017

Another “Friday’s Features” E-dition

FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 2017
More Marvelous Mockery

On The Eve Of This Weekend’s Big Showdown With North Korea, Breitbart’s Daniel Nussbaum shows us how Los Angeles-based street artist provocateur Sabo is back again, this time to skewer North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with a series of mock posters promoting a fictional line ofTrump’s North Korean BBQ.

The mock posters — which have popped up around the Koreatown neighborhood of Los Angeles — feature the North Korean dictator’s head superimposed onto a roasted pig’s body, and with an apple placed in his mouth. Alongside the image is an insert of a smiling Trump.

The taglines for the mock advertisements include “The finest in K-town,” “The world’s greatest really,” and “Cooked up by five star chef James Mattis.”

A telephone number displayed on one of the billboards apparently connects to an art gallery in Beverly Hills.

The posters’ appearance in Los Angeles comes as hostilities between the United States and North Korea have hit renewed heights in recent weeks. NBC News reported that the National Security Council presented military options to President Trump — including the possible assassination  of the North Korean dictator — to deal with the country’s increasingly defiant nuclear program ahead of Trump’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping last week.

Sabo has previously featured images of Trump in his street art. In November, just after Trump’s victory in the presidential election, the street artist peppered Los Angeles-area bus benches with fake advertisements for Sotheby’s real estate sales, in a campaign lampooning numerous celebrities’ pledges to move out of the country if Trump were elected.

Most recently, the artist trolled the Academy Awards by erecting posters outside the Dolby Theater in Hollywood that blasted the film industry’s “unwatchable movies.”

Sabo has also skewered Hillary Clinton, at one time placing an image of the former Democratic presidential candidate inside a washing machine as part of a “money laundering” series, alongside an image of actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

Tonight’s Ben Garrison Feature

The Problem Child

Kim Jong-un is a spoiled, capricious nut. His nuclear war threats may be nothing but continued ego maniacal saber rattling, but once nuclear miniaturization is achieved, he could launch a nuclear attack on our west coast. Many have suggested diplomacy, but that has already been tried for decades. North Korea always furthers their nuclear capabilities regardless. He may be trying to extort us once again for more food and fuel, but again…that tactic simply does not work. It only buys the regime in North Korea more time..…… Read more at the Cartoon Blog.

Tonight’s Featured Whistleblower Video
TRUMP HAS NEW OPPOSITION: Is The Swamp Getting More Polluted?


Published on Apr 14, 2017: Sharing opinion IS helpful. Inflexible Know-it-all Opposition isn’t. Twitter Presidential Gurus could never outguess Trump: Ann Coulter, Mike Cernovich, Laura Ingraham… They’re Loving on Trump except when they’re “Hating” on Trump. These are Arm Chair experts who think they know more than Donald Trump. They each have an inflexible Presidency Master Plan. When Trump strays from THEIR plan, they freak out, only to be proven wrong over time. I strongly agree that opinion sharing is a good thing. However, web sites like Alex Jones’ INFOWARS, profit from Wacked Conspiracy Theories. Their content is mostly designed to drive maximum traffic… for profit. They are not interested in reasonable analysis based on solid facts. That would be way too boring to attract their sensation hungry following.

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s First 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Today Is Day Number Eighty-Four. There Are 16 More To Go.