Family Ties For Our Courthouse Cronies
OUR MUCKRAKER has been following the fine work of Former Fishwrapper, Investigative Reporter Jim McNair (who used to be at the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting and is now turning over rocks at CityBeat).
The Blower has particularly enjoyed the way McNair has gone after some of the folks at the Hamilton County Courthouse (“JayWalking Joe” Deters, Robert Goering, and Tracy Winkler), Congressman/Podiatrist “Bronze Star” Brad” Wenstrup, and even Globe-trotting Congressman Steve Chabothead. And today, McNair’s Pulitzer-caliber “Pillars of Favoritism” about how the Hamilton County courthouse clings to the ancient practice of hiring people on the basis of family, political, and business connections warmed the cockles of our heart.
CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street says The Blower has always liked stories about “Courthouse Hiring Practices” Take this front page item on Edition #46 (published on April 16, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) that was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. (You can see that entire edition HERE.)
Most of the facts in McNair’s “Pillars of Favoritism” story were totally correct, since they had also been parts of other Whistleblower Reports during nearly the past 26 years.
Except one small thing— the part where McNair says Hamilton County Prosecutor “Jaywalking Joe” Deters and “Crazy Eric” Deters, the self-defined “Non-Attorney Spokesperson For The Deters Law Firm,” are NOT Related.
The Blower has always wondered if those two Deterses might have somehow been Womb Mates. Now possibly, Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception can help us shed some light on that mystery.