Daily Archives: June 28, 2016

Special “133 More Days Till The Election” E-dition


TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2016
The Good News And The Bad News
From Our Diligent DemocRAT Insider

image005image005FIRST THE BAD NEWS FOR HILLARY: Two Benghazi reports came out today from the 4-year “investigation” by the Republican-led House Benghazi Committee. The report authored by the Republicans on the committee concludes that an attack on the embassy was possible and Hillary should have known that. That’s kind of weak though, because an attack on any government installation, anywhere is “possible” just about any time. Not to be outdone, the DemocRATs on the committee issued their own report concluding that the whole committee was just a partisan witch hunt to ruin a presidential candidate. The bottom line is that those who think Hillary is responsible for the Benghazi disaster will continue to do so, and those who think that she had no responsibility for it will be unmoved. In a way, it might turn out to be good news for Hillary because this could possibly be the end of the whole affair, and so it would fade into the history books, along with the dozens of other attacks on U.S. facilities under every recent president and Secretary of State.

image005image007TODAY’S BAD NEWS FOR TRUMP: Reporters keep digging for dirt on Trump and it isn’t hard to find. The L.A. Times has an article about a planned Trump development in Baja California.

People were invited to a free weekend in Baja to promote a Condo project and were subjected to high pressure sales pitches to buy. 250 people put up 50,000 each, but the whole thing failed, nothing was ever built, and everyone lost all their money. Trump disclaimed any responsibility, saying that he only licensed his name to the project.

There’s a good possibility we will be seeing some of these folks on TV ads this fall, along with the Trump University “students.”

image005image008ELIZABETH WARREN WAS A BIG HIT with our Kneepad Liberals in The Press in her first joint campaign appearance with Hillary, in little ole Cincinnati. Interestingly, they both arrived in matching blue outfits. Warren was the perfect attack dog tearing into Trump about everything you would expect and then they hugged like they were best girl-friends all of their lives, even though earlier reports were that they didn’t like each other. As they say, politics makes strange bedfellows. They also say that bedfellows make strange politics, but that’s enough about the Big Dog.

Anyway, many people think that Warren is auditioning to be the VP. She may be auditioning but betting odds say she probably won’t win the role, as Tim Kaine is still leading and moving up, now at 41% probability compared to 23% for Warren. Former favorite Julian Castro’s chances have tanked, thanks to Trump’s tirades against Mexico, Mexicans, and the Mexican-American judge, which means that Hillary doesn’t need any help with the Hispanic vote.

image005image010Finally, Whistleblower Merrill Forbes says everybody is hoping that we have reached the bottom of the Stock Market plunge following the Brexit vote. Yesterday, the Dow went down another 200 points but stocks were up more than that in trading today. The British Pound may have also bottomed out, so maybe we can avoid a world-wide recession, at least until Election Day. It is also possible that the actual effect of the Brexit hasn’t been felt yet, only the markets’ anticipation of its effect.image005image006