Daily Archives: June 27, 2016

Special “Radical Islamic Terrorists in America” E-dition


Monday, June 27, 2016
More Radical Islamic Terrorist Madness

image004Ramadan 2016 will be over before we know it, and we might’ve forgotten to celebrate it altogether if Obama hadn’t issued his meaningless media message to Radical Islamic Terrorists in America and Radical Islamic Terrorists around the world, congratulating them at the start of the holy fasting month of Ramadan as a time to remember the poor and the needy and to share responsibilities.

image005Last year Obama said, “Throughout our history, Islam has contributed to the character of our country, and Muslim-Americans, and their good works, have helped to build our nation – and we’ve seen the results.”

image005image006The Blower remembers when Erlanger attorney Roula Allouch said, “As the new head the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), I hope to continue and strengthen CAIR’s efforts to enhance understanding of Islam and Muslims, to encourage civic participation by American Muslims and to build coalitions with like-minded individuals and organizations to promote justice and mutual understanding.”

image005This morning we were really surprised when we didn’t see Local Kneepad Liberals in The Press interviewing Radical Islamic Terrorists at Union Terminal’s Cincinnati Museum Center when Liberal Whacko DemocRAT Senator Elizabeth Warren showed up to audition as Crooked Hillary’s running mate, calling Donald Trump a “Money Grubber,” only a few short hours after raking in $450,000 at a “Money grubbing” fund-raiser at Cincinnati’s Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley’s wife’s house, where Hillary accepted a $1,000 contribution from Cranley that came from Cranley’s campaign fund, where Cranley’s contributors had given him money so he could try to look like a big shot on occasions such as this.image008

e-mail your allahu akbars today.image008

Some Islamophobic items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Islamophobic subscribers.image008

Ramadan Video of the Day

Is Barack Obama A Radical Islamic Terrorist?


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