SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2016
This Sunday in America…at the Church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was asking his Political Parishioners to pray for Proper Polling Procedures during the next 135 days until the November Elections, especially after seeing the results of the latest extremely skewed Reuters poll showing Hillary leading Trump 47% to 33%.
According to the Gateway Pundit, Reuters interviewed 1201 respondents. 626 DemocRATS (52% of total) 423 Republicans (35% of total), 122 independents, and 30 of another party. That’s nearly 33% more DemocRATS than Republicans.
In reality, Gallup reported in March that 46% of Americans are DemocRATS, and 40% are Republicans. Reuters freighted their poll with 20% more DemocRATS than Republicans. And since the Reuters poll sampled more DemocRATS than all the other polls combined, we can safely say that Trump appears to be in much better shape than the skewed Reuters poll suggests and could likely be headed to a landslide victory in November.
The Biased Liberal News Media will be using their so-called latest poll results as the basis for their coverage each and every day between now and the November Elections. Do you think many of those stories will contain an explanation of the way those bogus polls are “constructed?” Not a chance!