Daily Archives: June 15, 2016

Another “Liberal Media Bias Update” E-dition

june 15 media bias update


Because Those Lying Bastards Never Ever Stop

image005At this afternoon’s Media Strategy Seminar at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the Liberal Media Bias during this week’s aftermath of the Orlando Shooter’s Media Frenzy.

Here were some examples from this morning’s Media Research Center’s Cyberalert.

MSNBC, CNN LOVE OBAMA’S ‘EXTRAORDINARY,’ ‘PASSIONATE CRY FROM THE HEART’ (Make no mistake, the biased journalists at MSNBC and CNN loved Barack Obama’s defense of not using the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism.” Regarding the Tuesday speech, which also denounced Donald Trump, Andrea Mitchell was beside herself: “This was a passionate cry from the heart about his vision of America by this President. He has never before taken on Donald Trump and he just eviscerated Donald Trump in that extraordinary speech.” image007

NETS HYPE OBAMA AND HILLARY’S ‘PASSIONATE’ ‘ONE-TWO PUNCH’ OF TRUMP (All the networks in the “big three” praised President Obama, during their evening shows on Tuesday, for taking the presumptive GOP nominee to task on how to fight the War on Terror. They all talked about Obama’s takedown in glowing terms, while pointing out how Donald Trump’s strategy breeds hate. NBC even saluted the DemocRAT Party for putting Obama and Hillary Clinton together to fight Trump.image008 ABC’S KARL: ‘STARK’ CONTRAST BETWEEN HILLARY’S ‘UNITY’ AND TRUMP’S ‘FEAR’ (According to the journalists at Good Morning America, the reaction of Donald Trump to the Orlando terrorist attack has been “fear,” “anger” and misleading statements versus Hillary Clinton’s “unity,” “empathy” and “resolve.” Talking to George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday, Jon Karl compared, “The contrast couldn’t be starker, George. You have Hillary Clinton, who is talking in terms of empathy, in terms of unity, resolve. And Donald Trump who is channeling the anger and fear of the American people following an attack like this.” image009

THE VIEW: ORLANDO SHOOTER HAD NO TIES TO ISIS BUT TRUMP IS ‘WORKING WITH ISIS TO KILL US’ (On ABC’s The View on Tuesday, the ladies discussed the Orlando shooting again as more information came out, and discussed who was to blame. ABC’s Sara Haines and Whoopi Goldberg outright denied the shooter had any ties to ISIS and downplayed the idea that Islamic terrorism was even the reason for the attack at all. Instead, Joy Behar suggested, the blame should be put on GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.)image011

NETWORKS HIT TRUMP FOR BANNING WASHPOST, BUT YAWNED AT OBAMA BOOTING THREE PAPERS IN 2008 (On Monday night and Tuesday morning, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC offered multiple segments decrying presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump for revoking press credentials from The Washington Post while having the exact opposite reaction to three newspapers being banned from the Obama campaign press plane in 2008.

CBS INSINUATES CHRISTIANS ‘PROMOTE THE KIND OF VIOLENCE’ IN ORLANDO (During their Tuesday night broadcast of Evening News CBS directed the blame for the Orlando terrorist attack towards American Christians, even though it was carried out by a pledged member of the Islamic State. To ease into the Christian bashing host Scott Pelley stated, “There has been so much progress for the LGBT Community, but we are now reminded that fear is still a constant reality.”)image012

CBS HOSTS PLEAD WITH DHS SECRETARY: ‘WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO MOVE THE NEEDLE’ ON GUN CONTROL? (In an interview with Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on Tuesday, the hosts of CBS This Morning devoted most of the segment to calling for gun control in the wake of the Orlando terrorist attack and demanding the cabinet secretary use his position to promote the cause. Co-host Gayle King began: “But it does raise the question again about gun control. I keep wondering what it’s going to take….What will it take to move the needle when it comes to gun control?”)image013

VILE BEE PRAYS NRA IS PLAGUED WITH BOILS, DECLARES SHE WANTS TO TAKE GUNS AWAY POST-ORLANDO (Clearly shaken as the entire country has been since Sunday’s horrifying Islamic terror attack in Orlando, TBS’s Full Frontal host Samantha Bee opened her Monday night show by discussing the shooting in her predictably vile manner as she openly prayed that people in the National Rifle Association (NRA) would be plagued with boils and declared she does want to take our guns away.)image015 You can see more examples of Liberal Media Bias at Media Research Center HERE.image017image018