Daily Archives: December 28, 2015

Special “Getting Ready For 2016” E-dition


MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2015   

Top Ten List          

          Today it’s the Top Ten Ways you know it’s about time for 2015 to be over:       

  1. image003Obama is enjoying yet another $4 Million over-taxed payer funded family Hawaiian Holiday vacation (with borrowed money) after that video was found where he’d promised never to take vacations, it’s been the worst year (yet) of Obama’s historically hideous presidency and Obama’s approval keeps hitting new lows, as the DemocRAT National Committee continues fund-raising over the possibility of Obama’s being impeached. Meanwhile, despite the fact that the ObamaCare Disaster is the gift that keeps on giving to Republicans, Republican Minority Leader Bitch McConnell and GOP Speaker of the House Paul Ryno still appear ready to cave in to Obama and Disingenuous DemocRATS at every opportunity. 
  1. The nation has reached its $18.802 Trillion Debt Level with no end in sight.
  1. People watching reality shows about rednecks were actually surprised when one of the rednecks said something a redneck would say and Members of GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) were upset when their Politically Correct Temper Tantrum turned out to be a bigger bust than that Chick-Fil-A boycott, and that Supreme Court Sodomy Rites Guy from Cincinnati still won’t endorse Rob “Fighting for Same Sex Marriage” Portman’s U.S. Senate campaign.
  1. The Trolley Folly Boondoggle is now back on track, and will begin losing enormous amounts of money right on schedule, whenever in hell that is.
  1. John Kasich will be in New Hampshire today and tomorrow for campaign events, as Ohio’s Republican Governor continues his ninth-place 2016 Presidential GOP Nomination Campaign against front-runner Donald Trump.
  1. Anderson Trustee Andy Pappas is all set to begin campaigning full-time for the next 316 days against Hamilton County Commissioner against Disingenuous DemocRAT Odd Todd Opportune.
  1. Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says the Bungals still need to beat the Denver Broncos tonight to clinch a first round bye for this year’s NFL Playoffs.
  1. Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters and $tan Che$ley are still not practicing law, but Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says there’s no outstanding Bench Warrant out for “Crazy Eric” in Boondoggle County like there is for $tan.
  1. image004Politicians’ last-minute e-mails reminded you that you only had a few more hours to send in your 2015 contributions before the end of the year.

…and the Number One Way you know it’s about time for 2015 to be over is… Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane has almost finished this year’s list of his political predictions that came true, so Thursday night, it’ll be time for the Whistleblower New Year’s Eve Party to begin.image003image027