Daily Archives: December 27, 2015

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No Cheerful New Year’s Greetings Here

image004This week in Tom Zawistowski’s Joyful Christmas Greetings, Ohio’s TEA Party Guy said unfortunately he couldn’t also wish anyone a “Happy New Year,” since he was certain 2016 would not be very happy at all for our Nation, especially those of us who defend the Constitution and the American way of life. There is no doubt that our Liberty, our individual Freedom, and our national values and principles will be under attack in the final year of the Obama Administration like never before. 

image015Just wait till TEA Party Tom reads Saturday’s fund-raising e-mail from Obama’s Organizing for Action where Obama bemoans the fact that he only has 12 months left to squeeze every ounce of change he can while he’s still in office, because that’s what he intends to do.

image015But TEA Party Tom claims Conservatives are ready for the battles that lie ahead and he’s confident t the radical regressive left’s communist agenda, embodied in Barack Obama and his associates, will be defeated and that the individual will triumph over statism (the belief that the state should control either economic or social policy). TPT says: “Thanks to our efforts, the American people are more awake today than they have been in 100 years. They have had more than enough of the elites stealing our money, telling us what we can and cannot do, and dictating how they want us to think, speak, believe and live. The day of reckoning nears and we welcome the opportunity to restore Constitutionally limited government, at the local, state and federal levels, and the authority of the people over our public servants.” 

image015Does that now mean some of our local TEA Party Organizations including the Clermont County TEA Party aren’t going out of business, after Ohio Second District Republican Congressman “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup earned a trip to the woodshed along with a primary opponent by betraying the people who sent him to Washington with his Omnibus vote last week?image003image027