From People Who Didn’t Even Watch The Debate
This afternoon at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were conducting a Focus Group to find which candidate Ordinary Americans thought had won CNN’s Republican 2016 Presidential Candidates Debate in Las Vegas Tuesday night.
But instead of interviewing people watching the debate like the TV Networks always do, The Blower thought it might be more productive to discover which candidate ordinary people who had not watched the
debate and would be voting for President in 328 more days perceived as the winner, because all of those people were being convinced by somebody else, and none of them for whatever reason had bothered to watch the debate to be able to form an intelligent opinion on their own.
Let’s face it: nobody wants to appear to be uninformed. So even if they didn’t watch the debate, they needed an answer, in case another person who couldn’t be bothered to watch the debate, asked them who won the debate.
Many unfocused groupies simply asked somebody they knew who had won the debate— a friend, family member, a guy at the gas station, a lady at the beauty parlor, or somebody at work.
Other low-information voters had been influenced by Liberal and/or Conservative news media (including Talk Radio) along with Facebook and other social media, where reported polls and opinion pieces told them who had won the debate.
Or maybe they had just heard who won the debate from someone who was as equally uninformed as they were, who hadn’t watched the debate.
And maybe politically bias would encourage some people to be less than truthful if you asked them which candidate had won the debate. It’s hard to imagine any Dishonest DemocRAT not uttering a discouraging word about any Mean-spirited Republican Presidential Candidate.
So taking all those things into consideration, it would be safe to say that every Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, could at least tell you who he or she thought won the debate without even watching it. Nobody wants to appear stupid.
After all, everybody wants to know which candidate to vote for (or against) on Election Day. Because as Jesse Ventura always said, they didn’t want to leave the voting to somebody who was even stupider than they obviously are.