Special “Sunday Sermon” E-dition



This Sunday in America…

image034… at the Church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was asking his Political Parishioners to ask God’s help for America to teach us all to become proficient marksmen and markswomen during the next 411 days of Dishonesty and Division remaining throughout the Dark Ages of Obama’s Second Term, unless the First Black President in History is impeached, especially after this week’s Husband-and-Wife Muslim Mass Murder Jihad in Obama’s America left 14 dead and 21 injured.

After all, Mediaite just reported: Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. advised his students to get their concealed carry permits so that they could prevent the next San Bernardino from happening.

“It just blows my mind when I see the President of the United States say that the answer to [San Bernardino] is more gun control,” Falwell told students during Friday night’s weekly convocation. “If some of those people in that community center had had what I’ve got in my back pocket right now…”

The students in attendance erupted at the president’s admission that he was packing, cheering and applauding it and his previous jab at President Barack Obama.

“Is it illegal to pull it out? I don’t know,” he joked.

Interestingly, the sound of loud boos can be heard in the background throughout Falwell’s pro-gun comments. Whether or on these are directed at him or Obama, however, is difficult to determine.

“I’ve always thought if more good people had concealed carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walk in and kill,” Falwell continued.

That’s when the Liberty University president concluded his remarks on the matter and encouraged the students to obtain their permits if they hadn’t already.

“I just wanted to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to get your permit. We offer a free course. Let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here.”

Now That’s What The Blower Calls A “Sensible Sermon.”image006image007