Daily Archives: September 16, 2015

Special “Republican Reminders” E-dition




It’s Almost Time

If we don’t tune in to see CNN’s “Attack on the Republican Party” tonight where all those GOP Presidential Hopefuls will be on stage at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library attacking Donald Trump and each other, it won’t be because we haven’t received any “reminders.”  So far today, we’ve received e-mails from every candidate telling us to make sure to watch him (or her) tonight.



image006Donald Trump (with 32% of the vote) says, “We sure to watch, I’m gonna be yuge!”


image006Ben Carson (19%) says, “Could you send me some money before tonight to show your support?”


image006Jeb Bush (9%) says, “You’re going to see what low energy looks like.”


image006Ted Cruz (7%) says, “Should I remind people how Trump and I blasted Obama’s Stupid Iran Deal last week?”


image006Mike Huckabee (5%) “Kim Davis is still out of jail.”


image006Scott Walker (5%) says, “Is this my last chance?”


image006Marco Rubio (3%) says, “This is not a game show.”


image006Rand Paul (3%) says, “I think Trump deserves Both Barrels!”


image006Carly Fiorini (3%) says, “I’m more than just a pretty face.”


image006Chris Christie (2%) says, “No fat jokes tonight, please.”


image006John Kasich (2%) says, “I’m Number Two in New Hampshire.”


image006And at tonight’s 6:00 PM Not Ready for Prime Time Event, even with Rick Perry out, Jim Gilmore remains on the sidelines, while Pataki, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, and Senator Lindsey Graham each hopes he says something memorable tonight, so he might be included in CNBC’s prime time debate at the University of Colorado in Boulder on October 28.


image006Meanwhile, since Hillary has chosen never to debate, Disingenuous DemocRATS are using tonight’s Republican Rumble to raise money. Another phony baloney e-mail from the DemocRAT Senate Campaign Committee supposed signed by Obama wants people on its Dumbed Down Suckers List to donate another $3, or whatever they can afford. 


image006Besides the candidates, every news organization wants you to watch their coverage of tonight’s event. Even Channel 9 “Substantially True” News wants you to watch its “live fact checking” of the event. Yeah, right. Given WCPO’s history, who’ll be fact checking them? Maybe that would be a good job for The Blower!  


image006See, we told you we could help debase the image of the Office of the Presidency of the Greatest County on Earth even further.
