Special “Obama’s Race War on Police” E-dition



No Word Yet From Obama or #BlackLiesMatter

image006image006Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Obama’s Summer of Racial Violence continued with the killing of yet another White Police Officer by one of Obama’s Race Warriors Sunday night when Kentucky Trooper Joseph Cameron Ponder was killed by Joseph Thompson Johnson-Shanks after a traffic stop. (Shanks was later killed by an over-taxed payer relief shot from police when he refused to surrender.) Shanks was known as “Jay Mile High.” Jay is another term for a marijuana cigarette.

image006Shanks was not originally from Kentucky, he was from Missouri, from Florissant, near Ferguson. He had a long criminal history. But perhaps significantly one arrest, for ‘interfering with an officer’ was on August 11, two days after Michael Brown was killed. Not only was he a Ferguson protester, but he went to Michael Brown’s funeral and burial in a limo the type usually reserved for family or close friends. In that limo he was riding with people from NAN, Al Sharpton’s group.

image006Obama’s Race Warrior’s Facebook featured multiple pictures of Ferguson protesting, the funeral and burial, and protest paraphernalia.


image009 Do you think CNN Moderator Jake Tapper will ask any of those Eleven Republican Presidential Candidates about Obama’s Race War on Police Wednesday Night?image013image014