Daily Archives: September 7, 2015

Special “Labor Day in America” E-dition


Monday, September 7, 2015

How Will These Ordinary Americans Celebrate Union Day?

image013image005Mama Maruska, Retired Homemaker: Cooking for my ungrateful family like I do on every holiday.

image014image005Porky Dorkman, Student: Getting ready to skip school tomorrow.

image017image005Marlene Mandible, Totally Unemployable: Paying for three seats on my airline flight.


image019image005Earl Pitts, Part-time Taxidermist: Hopin’ my kids don’t get their fingers blowed off with all those illegal fireworks I bought at the truck stop.

image021image005Linda Libel, Gossip Columnist: Trying to pick up on the latest hearsay about Ditzy DemocRAT Judge Tracie Hunter and Current Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell.

image023image005Suzie Soccermom, TEA Partier: Avoiding being raped, murdered, or run over by unruly Black Teenagers after the fireworks in downtown Cincinnati.

image024image005Leroy Williams, Street Corner Pharmacist: Selling crack to teenagers in Over-the-Rhine.

 image026image005Norma Rashid, Former TV5 Anchorwoman: Sitting home alone waiting for Charlie to call.

image027image005Jack Mehoff, Used Solar Panel Salesman: Eatin’ lots of brats and metts at the union picnic even though I still haven’t paid my dues.

 image029image005Emily Frump, Retired City EmployeeWorrying about what’s going to happen to my pension.

image030image005CH Snitch, 1000 Main Street: Trying to find party hacks to volunteer to be poll workers for all those Hamilton County judicial candidates running unopposed.


image032image005Sid Schlock, Slumlord: planning on how to raise the rent on illegal aliens.

image034image005Ken CamBoo, Northern Kentucky Journalist: Wondering why there are so few unions in the Bluegrass State.

image035image005TEA Party Tim: Circulating Right-to-work petitions.


image037image005Reverum Calhoun, Minister: Boycottin’ the Union Day Picnic at Coney Island.

image039image005Seedy Diehl, Northern Kentucky: Getting another day off with pay.


image040image005Rashid Jones, Escort Service Provider: Tellin’ his main lady “This ain’t no holiday for you, bitch! Get out on the street and bring me my money.”



Whistleblower Video of the Day

Thanks, Union Bosses!

Sent in by the Union-Busting Koch Brothers.


Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image005image010