Special “Riot Alert” E-dition



Are You Ready for a Riot?

image005image004There won’t be a whole lot of real news being reported in Cincinnati this morning, since every news outlet is town has assigned every available person to cover “JayWalking Joe” Deters’ press conference at 1 PM, where our Hamilton County Prosecutor will be discussing the shooting of Samuel Dubose by University of Cincinnati police officer Ray Tensing.

image005For the past week, Kneepad Liberals in the Local News Media have been doing their best to stir up a real race riot like the one in 2001, demanding to see the Police Officer’s Body Cam, so they could interpret the evidence before it was even presented to the Grand Jury. That body cam video will be released today.

image005And can you believe all those so-called responsible City Leaders making ill-advised statements about the case? Cincinnati City Manager “Baltimore Harry” Black said “he’s seen the video and it doesn’t look good.” Cincinnati’s Current Affirmative Action Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell went on Black talk radio to say he expected the officer to be indicted. Cincinnati’s Diminutive DemocRAT Mayor John Cranley says the City’s ready for a riot, and even the officer’s attorney illustrated his incompetence predicting his client would be indicted because of the “political climate in the community.”

image005But why does Deters need a press conference, anyhow? Why doesn’t he just go on Cunningham’s radio show like he always does. 

image005“Jaywalking Joe’s” Press conference must really be a big deal, since the University of Cincinnati closed its Clifton Campus and the UC Medical Center at 11 AM, sending everybody home so they could watch the news conference on TV.  UC students, faculty and staff are hoping for at least a little rioting, so they can have tomorrow off, too. And if they close the UC Medical Center, formerly known as “The General,” where will all those free-stuff seeking peaceful protesters go to have their gunshot and knife wounds treated?image019image020