Daily Archives: July 23, 2015

Special “Decisions, Decisions” E-dition



Reducing the Number of Choices May Be the Solution

image010image004At yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about all those extra e-ditions The Blower’s been publishing lately.

“Obviously, the number of page-views on our Web Page really increased, but there was one drawback,” Kane explained. “One of our Persons of Consequence the gals in the office call our ‘Constant Critic’ found something new to complain about.”

“How come I only used to get one e-mail advisory each day when The Blower posted a new e-dition and now I get three or four?” CC grumbled.

“Maybe it’s because we only used to publish one long e-dition every day, and now we’re breaking it up into shorter e-ditions. Each time we publish something new, we advise Persons of Consequence who’ve requested to be on our e-mail list that there’s something new and wonderful to read,” we kept trying to explain to him.

“But how come whenever I click on the link, it always goes to the same e-dition?” CC wanted to know.

image010Then we figured it out. Every e-mail advisory was giving subscribers two choices. The “Click Here” choice always links to the specific e-dition being announced (in this case, this morning’s Special “Leadership Vacuum” E-dition), and the alternate choice would always link to the most recent post on the web page (which may or may not have been the same e-dition) and if our subscriber was reading several e-ditions at the same time, and was using the alternate “Try this!” link, he would always be directed to the the most recent post on the web page, no matter which e-mail advisory our Constant Critic was using.

Thursday’s Special “Leadership Vacuum” E-dition is now available

for viewing by Persons of Consequence.

Click Here!

And if that doesn’t work, Feckless Followers— try this!

(See, if CC tried both of these links now, they wouldn’t take him to the same e-dition)

image010And this would especially affect people who work in government offices. They should be receiving The
Whistleblower on their home computers anyway, because The Blower has never approved of public servants wasting time reading our trash on over-taxed payers’ time (except when they have something to snitch).

image010Therefore, maybe we should just do away with the alternate choice, since some people still might not be able to figure out how to handle it. Come to think of it, we’re not really sure why we were offering two choices anyway. It just seemed like a good idea at the time. 
